
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies
About Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies

1. What is the Centre for Documentation?

The project of establishing the Centre for Documentation is part of TUFS' future campus design and serves to promote comprehensive and transcultural research and studies of area cultures with emphasis on Asian and African languages as a core centre for documentation in the Asian-Pacific region.

This project aims to create a documentation network centre in the Asian-Pacific region that preserves, shares, disseminates, and distributes various historical materials-such as oral records, and hieroglyphic and other symbolic cultural references, including non-literary and non-biblical materials-and then to promote and expand this Centre as an international hub for documentation in the Asian-Pacific region. Furthermore, by seeking synergies with other projects in the area and culture establishment and transitions, the centre endeavors to promote research activities and nurture the next generation academics who will become leaders on the global stage. This Centre of excellence, where all the stipulated activities and aims come together under one roof, is hereby named "the Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies."