
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies
Central Coordination Committee

Objectives and Role
The Director of the Centre is responsible for coordinating the collection, preservation, sharing, and digitalization of Documentation from an overall perspective, while collaborating with affiliated overseas institutions to work on the operations required to establish the Centre of Documentation. In addition, the Central Coordination Committee will build bridges between the research groups in order to organize projects and also will sponsor symposia and international conferences.
The Central Coordination Committee consists of the Group Leader and representative members of each of the Documentation Collection and Research Groups. The members are as follows:

Director of the Centre
Takeshi FUJII (Professor, TUFS Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies), Leader of the Central Coordination Committee
Collection of Historical Materials - Representatives of Study Groups
Group 1 (Indigenous Documents Group): Hiroshi FUTAKI(Professor, ditto),
Group 2 (Printed Materials Group): Masami ARAI (Professor, ditto)
Group 3 (Oral Archives Group): Kyoko NOMOTO (Professor, ditto)
Group 4 (Visual Material Archives Group): Koji MIYAZAKI (Professor, ditto)
Group 5 (21st Century Area and Culture Studies Group): Osamu NISHITANI (Professor, ditto); and Hidenori IJIRI (Professor, ditto), also Deputy Leader of the Group
Head of TUFS Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies: Hirotaka TATEISHI (Professor, ditto)
Central Coordination Committee Management
Publications and Newsletter Yuriko YOSHIDA (Professor, ditto)
Website and Public Relations Kyoko NOMOTO (Professor, ditto)
Establishment of Overseas Network,International Confernces,Laison Offces Koji MIYAZAKI(Professor, ditto)
Construction of Digital Library and Archives Librarians,University Library
Information Sharing through Digitalization Information Processing Centre
Central Coordination Committee Project Leaders
Bengali Historical Materials Studies Group Hiroshi SATO (Part-time Lecturerat TUFS Foreign Studies); COE Advisor
Librarian for Historical Materials ShusakuMATSUMOTO (Part-time Lecturerat Daito Bunka University); COE Advisor
Exhibitions Hidehiko SASAKI (Curator, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture); COE Advisor
21st Century COE Post-Doctorate Researchers
Yoichi TAKAMATSU Litt.D., The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology (Studies on the Ottoman Turks Archives from the 18th to 19th Centuries)
Toshihiko Shine
Ph.D, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Science (Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam)