
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies
Central Coordination Committee
Outline Activity Reports Recent Acquisition

C-DATS Studies on Asia and Africa

(1) Bibliographic Research: Morisco's Historical Decuments and Related Studies Based on the Aljamia / Edited by AIBA Yuriko, 2004.

(2) On the World of 21st Century / Edited by IJIRI Hidenori, 2004.

(3) The catalogue of materials on Myanmar history in microfilms deposited in the Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies / edited by Thu Nandar ; v. 1, 2004.

(4) Researching archival documents on Mongolian history : observations on the present and plans for the future: proceedings of the International Symposium on the Current Situation and Objectives of Research Work on Archival Materials Related to the History of Mongolia, September 5-6, 2003 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / edited by Futaki Hiroshi & Demberel Ulziibaatar, 2004.

(5) Rethinking "Globalization" with Pierre Legendre / Edited by NISHITANI Osamu, 2004.

(6) Post-Empire and Multilingual Societies in Asia and Africa / Edited by the 21st Century Centre of Excellence Programme "the Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies" Central Coordination Committee, Research Group for Multilingual Societies the 21st Century Centre of Excellence Programme "the Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies", 2004.

(7) Katalog naskah Palembang = Catalogue of Palembang manuscripts / penyunting utama Achadiati Ikram, 2004.

(8) Creating an archive today / edited by Toshie Awaya, 2005.

(9) The catalogue of materials on Myanmar history in microfilms deposited in the Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies / edited by Thu Nandar ; v. 2, 2005.

(10) Bibliographic Research: Morisco's Historical Decuments and Related Studies Based on the Aljamia II / Edited by AIBA Yuriko, 2005.

11) The Geopolitics of The Visual / Edited by NISHITANI Osamu & NAKAYAMA Chikako, 2005.

(12) Volume of papers, CHIR(Commission of History of International Relations), Tokyo Conference 2004, "Rethinking International History from Asian Perspectives" / Edited by WATANABE Hirotaka, 2005.

(13) Debating the past : conference of research scholars from Japan and India / edited by Brij Tankha, Toshie Awaya, Yuriko Yoshida, 2005.

(14) Landscapes reflected in old Mongolian maps / edited by Futaki Hiroshi & Kamimura Akira, 2005.

(15) The Nightmare of Globalization / Edited by NISHITANI Osamu & NAKAYAMA Chikako, 2006

(16) India Studies in Japan; A Bibliography of Books Published from the Early Meiji Era until 2000 / Compiled by MATSUMOTO Shusaku, 2006.

(17) Afghanistan Five Years after 9.11 / Edited by the TUFS Graduate School, Section of International Politics and Economy, 2006.

18) Katalogus manuskrip dan skriptorium Minangkabau / penyunting M. Yusuf, 2006.

(19) Postgraduate Symposium, London, 20-21 Feburary 2006 : proceedings of the SOAS/TUFS / edited by Justin Watkins and Masami Arai, 2006.

(20) Enriching the past : preservation, conservation and study of Myanmar manuscripts :proceedings of the International Symposium on Preservation of Myanmar Traditional Manuscripts, January 14-15, 2006 Yangon / edited by Teruko Saito & U Thaw Kaung, 2006.

21) Percepciones y representaciones del otro : Espana-Magreb-Asia en los siglos XIX y XX / editado por Grupo de Materiales Impresos, Hirotaka Tateishi, 2006.

(22) Index to Japanese Periodical Articles on South Asia; "Journal of the Indo-Japanese Association", "Indo-Karukatta-Nihon-Shohinkan-Kanpo", "Journal of the Indo-Japanese Economic Assiciation", "Shin-Ajia", Sogo-Indo-Geppo" / Compiled by ADACHI Kyosuke, 2006.

(23) The documents of Cheng family in Huizhou Shexian / Edited by USUI Sachiko, 2006.

(24) Katalog naskah Ali Hasjmy Aceh = Catalogue of Aceh manuscripts : Ali Hasjmy collection / penyusun: Oman Fathurahman & Munawar Holil, 2007.

(25) Katalog sejarah lisan Jepang di Sulawesi Selatan / penyunting A. Rasyid Asba, 2007.

(26) The Document Collection of the Minato Tax Office (Jubunsho) / Edited by YOSHIDA Yuriko, 2007.

(27) A Memoir of Misumi Saichiro; The Story of Indo-Japanese Relations / by MISUMI Saichiro and others, 2008.

On the WEB

(1) Maguribu Yudaya Kyoto Kenkyu Bunken Mokuroku: 1993-2005 [Bibliography of Studies on Maghreb Jews: 1993-2005] / Compiled by SATO Kentaro, 2007.

(2) Monjo Shiryo kara mita Zenkindai Ajia no Shakai to Kenryoku [Society and Power in Pre-Modern Asia; Researches of Local and Indigenous Documents] / FUTAKI Hiroshi, 2007.

(3) Morocco Ryokoki Bunken Mokuroku (17-19 Seiki Europe) [Bibliography of Travelogues about Morocco during the 17-19th Century Europe] / TAKESHITA Kazuaki, 2007.