
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies
Central Coordination Committee

Recent microfilm acquisition

Last update:2011.07.12

Microfilm/Microfiche materials listed below are collected in the University Library.
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Asia & Africa

Biographical Archives Series.
(KG. Saur) 2335 fiches

Census Reports.
(IDC Publishers) 151 fiches

Collection of Unpublished Inventories to Archives on Asia and Oceania
(IDC Publishers) 229 fiches

The Office of Strategic Services and the State Deaprtment: Intelligence and Reserch Reports; China and India, 1941-1949, 1950-1961.
(NARA) 11 reels

Europe & USA

Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Port Mahon, Spain, 1803-1876.
(NARA) 4 reels

Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Spain, 1792-1906.
(NARA) 134 reels

Los Manuscritos Aljamiado-Moriscos, Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia.

The Portuguese in Asia, 1498 -c.1800.
(IDC Publishers) 1256 fiches

The Record of the EastIndia College, Haileybury, J/1/19-J/1/32 & J/1/37
(British Library) 6 reels

Sephardic Editions, 1550-1820.
(IDC Publishers) 387 fiches

Middle East & North Africa

Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Tangier, Morocco 1797-1906.
(NARA) 27 reels

Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Tetuan, Morocco, 1877-1888
(NARA) 1 reel

Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Morocco.1905-1906
(NARA) 13 reels

Diplomatic & Consular Instructions of the U.S. Deaprtment of State to U.S. Ministers to Moroccoo, 1785-1790, 1791-1801, 1834-1906
(NARA) 7reels

Early Ottoman Printing: The Müteferrika Press
(IDC Publishers) 287 fiches

Early Printed Books from Egypt at the Great Exhibition, London 1851
(IDC Publishers) 384 fiches

Library Materials on Africa, The First Journal of the Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa. Vols. 1-10, 1962-1972.
(Atair Publishing) 10 fiches

Central & South Asia

Asam Bani
(C-DATS) 4 reels

Assam Express
(C-DATS) 2 reels

Assam Tribune
(C-DATS) 21 reels

British Inteligence on Afghanistan and its Frontiers
(IDC Publishers) 410 fiches

British Inteligence on Russia in Central Asia
(IDC Publishers) 394 fiches

Dainik Asam, 1989
(C-DATS) 5 reels

Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, and Marathi Jewish Printing in India
(C-DATS)1376 fiches

India During the Raj: Eyewitness Accounts, Part 1: Diaries and Related Records Describing Life in India, c.1750-1844.
(Adam Matthew Publications) 25 reels

India in the Age of Empire: The Journals of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth (1812-1881) from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
(Adam Matthew Publications) 11 reels

Indian Political Intelligence Files, 1912-1950
(IDC) 624 fiches

Dainik Asam, 1989
(C-DATS) 5 reels

Jana Satta, 1988-1991
(C-DATS) 39 reels

Pakistan Times, 1986
(C-DATS) 6 reels

Selection from the Record of the Government of India, 1849-1937, including Map Series
(IDC Publishers) 3167 fiches

South Asia, Research Collections on Microform (Henry Scholberg ed.) *Incomplete
(IDC Publishers) 26,722 fiches

The Sarvodaya Movement in India in the 1950's: Texts in Hindi and English on Microfiche.
(International Institute of Social History & MMF Publications) 252 fiches

Voice of India. Vols.1-6 (1930-1937). *Incomplete
(New York Public Library) 1 reel

Southeast Asia

British Inteligence on Siam and Mainland Southeast Asia c. 1887-1948(IDC Publishers) 302 fiches

Bulletin Administratif de l'Annam
(ACRPP: L'association pour la conservation et la reproduction photographique de la presse, France) 1 reel

Bulletin Administratif du Laos, 1919, 1921-22, 1927.
(ACRPP) 2 reel

Bulletin Officiel de l'Indochine Francaise
(ACRPP) 22 reels

Bulletin Officiel du l'Annam et du Tonkin
(ACRPP) 1 reel

Burma Echo
(C-DATS) 3 reel

Census Reports, Supplement
(IDC Publishers) 402 fiches

Classics in South-East Asian Studies
(IDC Publishers) 229 fiches

Collection of Thet-Kayi
(C-DATS) 6 reels

Delineating Burma
(IDC Publishers) 41 reels

Development Plans Documents on Education Development.
(IDC Publishers) 229 fiches

Development Plans. Rural and Regional Development.
(IDC Publishers) 370 fiches

Dr. Hla Pe Collection
(C-DATS) 11 reels

L'Eveil du Cambodge
(ACRPP) 1 reel

"Eyes Alone" Correspondence of General J.W.Stillwell. Jan. 1942- Oct. 1944.
(NARA: National Archives and Records Administration, US) 5 reels

Kambuja Surya
(ACRPP) 9 reels

(ACRPP) 1 reel

Khao Pacham Van
(LC) 1 reel

Le Khmer
(ACRPP) 1 reel

Maulmain Chronicle
(British Library) 2 reels

Missionary Archives on Asia.
(IDC Publishers) 530 fiches * Incomplete

Moniteur du Protectorat de l'Annam et du Tonkin
(ACRPP) 1 reel

Nhan Dan
(C-DATS) 4 reels

Le Petit Cambodgien
(ACRPP) 1 reel

Myanma Alin
(C-DATS) 11 reel

Reports, Notes, Correspondence, Drafts of Minutes and Miscellaneous Docuemnts relating to the Meeting of the Council oF Ministers, Cambodia, 1897-1937
(C-DATS) 69 reels

Siang Mahason
(LC) 5 reels

Siang Seri
(LC) 17 reels

Vietnam Cong- Vietnam Cong-HoaBao, (Norman Ross Pub-lishing Inc.) 7 reels

China, Taiwan & Tibet

British Intelligence on China in Tibet, 1903-1950
(IDC Publishers) 576 fiches

Huizhou Archives
(C-DATS) 1 reel

Selections from Historical Materials on the Battle of Dianmian
(The Second Historical Archivesof China) 18 reels


Photographs of Japanese Soldiers and of Allied Prisoners of War, 1942-1945
(NARA) 1 reel

War against Japan; Historical Overviews, Operational Reports and Administrative Reports.
(Scholarly Resources Inc.) 54 reels

"Indowara-kai"(Association of Indowaras) and Related Materials
(C-DATS) 2 reels

(C-DATS) 8 reels

Records of the Minato Tax Office (Jubunsho), Kazusa Province during the Edo Period
(C-DATS) 3 reels

"Journal of the Indo-Japanese Association"
(C-DATS) 23 reels

Unpublished Materials of Indo-Japanese Association
(C-DATS) 9 reels

Collection of nineteenth and early twentieth-century English periodical articles
(Hon-no-tomosha Publishers) 10 reels