
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies
Printed Materials Group
Objectives and Plan Members Activity Reports

Activity Report

November 2004
Agreement Signed and Collaboration
with the Daoud Library of Morocco Launched

The Printed Materials Group entered an agreement with the Daoud Library in Tetouan, Morocco to launch a collaborative project.

The Daoud Library was formerly the private library of the late Muhammad Daoud (1901-1984), one of Tetouan's greatest 20th century scholars. It was organized and opened to the public by his daughter, Hasna. It contains a wide range of publications and documents including 8,000 publications in Arabic and Western languages, 300 hand-copied works in Arabic, 2,000 private contracts and public documents, 10,000 photographs, and 2,000 newspapers and magazines.

However, the current Library, which was previously a residence, is not necessarily the ideal location for the collection, due to factors such as financial challenges. The first imperative is to digitalize the historical documents in their current state. The two-year project will focus mainly on this digitalization process of the documents the late scholar collected so passionately from the old families of Tetouan in order to document its history.

The Agreement is available in PDF format through the following links.

• Copy of the Agreement (PDF format) • Japanese Translation of the Agreement(PDF format)
Photograph (click to enlarge)
Division of Estate Certificate for a Jewish family residing in Tetouan. Written in Arabic and Hebrew as a bilingual document (Islamic calendar 1360/1941 AD). Though extremely precious as historical documents, some documents had been left forgotten in clear plastic folders due to the lack of facilities and equipment for proper storage.

Overseas Research

September 6-15, 2006
Collection of historical documents at the Beyazid State Library, Istanbul
Travel Report (PDF format: Japanese)

September 6-30, 2005
Digitalization of periodicals in the Ottoman language.
Travel Report (PDF format:Japanese)

July 26-August 7, 2005
Digitalization of historical documents in Tetouan (Morocco).
Travel Report (PDF format:Japanese)

August 24-September 21, 2004
Digitalization of periodicals in the Ottoman language.
Travel Report (PDF format:Japanese)

August 14-28, 2004
Collection of historical documents on early 20th century Namibian history and participation in related academic society conference.
Travel Report (PDF format:Japanese)

July 1-16, 2004
Research and negotiations regarding the acquisition of historical documents related to Moriscoes and Sefardim in Spain and Morocco.
Travel Report (PDF format:Japanese)

January 26-February 12, 2004
Preliminary investigation and negotiations regarding the acquisition of historical documents related to Moriscoes and Sefardim in the Maghrib Countries.
Travel Report (PDF format:Japanese)

September 2-18, 2003
Research and negotiations regarding the acquisition of documents in the Netherlands, Vienna and Thessalonik.
Travel Report (PDF format:Japanese)

August 19-30, 2003
Research on materials related to the Jewish society of Thessalonica, Greece, and materials on armed conflicts in Macedonia during the Ottoman rule; and the result of consultations regarding preservation and public viewing of periodicals in the Ottoman language owned by Hakki Tarik Us Library in Istanbul, Turkey
Research Report (PDF format:Japanese)
Hakki Tarik Us Library Consultation Report (PDF format:Japanese)

January 4-12, 2003
Historical materials on colonial Indonesia from the Netherlands, and research on Asia-related institutes in Germany and Austria.

December 19, 2002 - January 13, 2003
Research on historical materials regarding Diaspora.
Research Report (PDF format:Japanese)

Study Meetings

July 28, 2006
Prof. Masafumi GODA (Konan University)
"Cross-cultural communication through Magellan's journey (1519-22)" (PDF:Japanese)

June 26, 2006
Gen KASUYA (Part-time Instructor at Nihon University)
"Between 'Citizen' and 'Race'" - The Concept of the 'Turk' in the Turkish Republic"(PDF:Japanese)

October 30, 2005
International Symposium
Report on Participation in "Perception of Others across the Straits of Gibraltar - the Rivalry of Iberia and Maghreb -"
(PDF: Report by Participants:Japanese)

October 27, 2005
Eloy Martín Corrales (Professor at Pompeu Fabra University, Spain)
"Viajeros catalanes por Marruecos, siglos XIX-XX"
"Catalonian Visitors to Morocco (19th-20th Centuries)"
(PDF: Report by Participants:Japanese)

October 26, 2005
Abdellah Djbilou (Abdelmalik al-Saadi University, Morocco)
"Oriente, Marruecos en la visión del modernismo y de la Generación del 98"
"The Orient, Morocco in the Vision of Modernism and of the Generation of '98"
(PDF: Report by Participants:Japanese)

July 21, 2005
Abderrahim Benhadda (Professor at Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco)
"Muslim Messengers in Madrid in the Second Half of the 18th Century"
(PDF: Report by Participants:Japanese)

July 11-12, 2005
Alberto Gil Novales (Honorary Professor at The University of Madrid)
Series of Lectures: "On the Perception of Asia and Africa in Modern Spain"
(PDF: Report by Participants:Japanese)

July 1, 2005
Satoshi MORISHIMA (Part-time Instructor at TUFS)
"The Discovery of Iran by the Americans" (PDF:Japanese)

June 9, 2005
Prof. Masashi HANEDA (The Institute of Oriental Culture, The University of Tokyo)
"The Discovery of ‘the Islamic World’ by Europe" (PDF:Japanese)

February 4, 2005
Prof. Yasuhiro FUKASAWA (Professor at Ibaragi University)
"Politics and Society of 20th Century Spain and Its Colony, Morocco - Resurrection of the Empire/ Fear of the 'Moro'/ Haunted by Its Colonial System - " (PDF:Japanese)
(Person in charge: TATEISHI)

October 19, 2004
Prof. Youichi TAKAMATSU (COE Post-Doctorate Researcher)
"The Introduction of Letterpress Printing in the Ottoman Empire,
Featuring the Opening of the ?brahim Müteferrika Printing House (1727)" (PDF:Japanese)

July 22, 2004
Atsuko HIRAYAMA (Professor, Tezukayama Gakuin University)
"Relationships with the Ming Dynasty during the Establishment of the Filipinas Viceroy (1565-c.1640); Catholic Kingdom Spain's View of the Ming Dynasty"(PDF:Japanese)
(person in charge: TATEISHI)

June 2, 2004
Masaki KAKIZAKI (Part-time Specialist at The Japan Institute of Middle Eastern Economics (Turkish Politics))
"Jews in the Contemporary History of Turkey" (PDF:Japanese)
(person in charge: ARAI)

March 9, 2004
Shunji OHGURO (Professor, Faculty of Literature, Osaka City University Graduate School)
"Jewish Finance in Italy in the Middle Ages" (PDF:Japanese)
(person in charge: ARAI)

February 6, 2004
Shiro MIYATAKE (Teacher at Junior and Senior High School, Friends School)
"The Judaist Network in the Mediterranean World in the 15th and 16th Centuries-Focusing on the Ottoman Empire" (PDF:Japanese)
(persons in charge: HACHIOSHI, TATEISHI)

December 12, 2003
Airi TAMURA (Tokyo International University)
"EI Ghriba: Symbiotic Structure Seen in the Jewish Celebrations on Djerba Island" (PDF:Japanese)
(person in charge: TATEISHI)

October 31, 2003
Tetsuyuki SEKI (Professor at Ryutsu Keizai University)
"Jews After Deportation-The World of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in the 16th and 17th Centuries" (PDF:Japanese)
(person in charge: TATEISHI)

September 27, 2003
Workshop "Current State and Issues Regarding Studies on Moriscoes)
(person in charge: TATEISHI)
Rumi TANI MORATALLA (Instructor at TUFS)
"Identity of Moriscoes and Sefaradies Before and After Deportation in Spain in the Middle Ages (1492-1609)" (PDF:Japanese)
Yuriko AIBA (Part-time Instructor at TUFS)
"Moriscoes after Deportation (Mainly in Northern Africa)" (PDF:Japanese)
Masaki HORIUCHI (Professor at Seikei University)
"Structure of Andalusian Music" (PDF:Japanese)
Comment (PDF)
Kazuo MIYAZAKI (Instructor at University of Tsukuba)
Record of Participation (PDF:Japanese)
Kazuaki TAKESHITA (Doctoral student at TUFS)
July 24, 2003
Kentaro SATO (Research Fellow at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Report on "Self-awareness of a Morisco-from the Autobiography of Hajari (d. around 1614)" (PDF:Japanese)
(persons in charge: TATEISHI, HACHIOSHI)

June 25, 2003
Yoshinori YOKOYAMA (The Historiographical Institute,the University of Tokyo)
"Management of the Dutch East India Company's (Vereenigde Oostindishe Compagnie, VOC) Records"
(person in charge: Hideki MASUTANI)

May 7, 2003
Masami ARAI (Professor at TUFS)
Report on "Periodicals from the 19th Century Ottoman Empire as Historical Materials"
(person in charge: Hideki MASUTANI)

February 19, 2003
Akira USUKI (Professor at National Museum of Ethnology)
Report on "Recent Trends on Sefaradies/Mizrahim Studies-Focusing on Peamim" (PDF:Japanese)
(persons in charge: HACHIOSHI, TATEISHI)

December 19, 2003
Bjorn Schipper (Scholar of Indonesian Cultural Anthropology from Germany)
Report on "Leo Frobenius Institute"
(persons in charge: MASUTANI, MIYAZAKI)

December 10, 2003
Discussions with Prof. Florentino RODAO (Professor of Asian Studies from Spain) (PDF)
(person in charge: TATEISHI)