
Emmanuel Vincent Nelson Kallon

Emmanuel Vincent Nelson Kallon
Name Emmanuel Vincent Nelson Kallon
Affiliation Visiting Researcher, African Studies Center - TUFS
Research Field Area studies
International studies
Key Words Africa, Ethnic Politics, Development, Public Policies, Post-colonial Development
Research Interest My research interests are focused in exploring the intersections between ethnic politics and development in Africa; post-colonialism and development; development aid and big power geopolitics in Africa; youth sociology and the context of political change; ethnic conflicts and the long route to peacebuilding in Africa
Academic Career 2016年10月~2020年9月 Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Doctor of Philosophy in Area and International Studies)
October 2014 - September 2016 Peace and Conflict Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Master of Arts in International Studies)
October 2008 - April 2013 Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone (Bachelor of Science in Peace and Conflict Studies)
Degree PhD in Area and International Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (2020)
Professional Career 2021 Language Assistant, Heart Corporation
2021 Senior Project Assistant, International Organization for Migration
2019-2021 English Coaching Assistant, Bunkyo Gakuin University
2017-2018 Teaching Assistant, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
2015-2022 Senior Program Assistant, Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center
Academic Associations Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS)
Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS)
Peace Studies Association of Japan (PSAJ)
Major Works


【Book Chapters】


  • Kallon, Emmanuel Vincent Nelson 2019. "Post Independence and the Foiled Political Development Take‐off in Sierra Leone, 1961‐1991: A Neo‐patrimonial Readings". Seminar on African Development. August 29 (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies).
  • Kallon, Emmanuel Vincent Nelson 2019. "Partnership Beyond Dependency: Japan-Africa Alliance". 2nd International Conference of JSAS: Enhancing Japan-Africa Connectivity. July 27 (The University of Tokyo).
  • Kallon, Emmanuel Vincent Nelson 2017. "Security Sector Reform and Institutional Corruption of the Sierra Leone Police: A Sociological Institutionalist Perspective". 3rd Annual Peace Studies and International Development Conference for Africanist Students and Early Career Scholars and Practitioners. May 11 (Bradford University).