ASC-TUFS Working Papers

Volume 1 (2021)

March 15, 2021


◆Title: ASC-TUFS Working Papers Volume 1 (2021)

◆Publisher: African Studies Center - TUFS

◆Date of Publication: March 15, 2021


Foreword by Shinichi Takeuchi

The economy of pawning: Institutionalism revisited by Kazue Demachi

African lions on the move: Can policies, institutions, and endowments explain the growth of climbing countries? by Christian Samen Otchia

Digital spaces and democratisation in rural Kenya: Participation, mobilisation, and claiming resources by Kinyua Laban Kithinji

Youth displacement, peacebuilding, and ethnoregional-neopatrimonial politics: The case of post-war Sierra Leone by Emmanuel Vincent Nelson Kallon

Ignorant snub or reasonable excuse? Young people's perspectives towards farming in Zuarungu in the Upper East Region of Ghana by Joseph Octavius Akolgo

Constraints to adoption and scaling-up of conservation agriculture in Rwanda: Smallholder farmers' perspectives by Kazuyuki Sasaki and Serge Muvunyi

Effects of agriculture intensification on gender relations in Rwanda: Perspectives of women farmers involved in the Land Use Consolidation programme by Fortunee Bayisenge

People's perceptions on conservation opportunities and challenges for Nyungwe and Mukura national parks, Rwanda by Gloriose Umuziranenge, Muhirwa Fabien, Jean Bosco Nshimiyimana, and Majyambere Methode

Bakola/Bagyelli households between precariousness and struggle for survival: Lessons learned from an indigenous community in search of well-being by Bernard Aristide Bitouga

Challenges on the valorisation of local knowledge: Preliminary assessments in the Rubi-Tele Hunting Area (DRC) by Lionel Bisimwa, Eric Musangu, Salomon Mampeta, Nicaise Amundala, Prosper Sabongo, and Denis Jean Sonwa

Women's land rights realities in the 'Rubi-Tele' Hunting Domain, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by Gladys Ibanda, Emmanuel Bulonza, Prosper Sabongo, Nicaise Amundala, Salomon Mampeta, and Denis Jean Sonwa

A relational approach to Uganda's state corruption as an organised crime: Decoupling analytical misconceptions on regime consolidation by Ian Karusigarira

Conflict-induced migration and local development: The socio-economic dynamics of a refugee-hosting area in Uganda by Isao Murahashi

International migration dynamics in Mozambique and natural resource exploration: Gold and forest predation by Inês Macamo Raimundo

Land titling in Mozambique: Improved tenure security for communities? by Amélia Maisha Silas Tunzine

*You can download the PDF version of the whole chapters by clicking the title of the book. You can also download the PDF version of each paper by clicking a title of each paper (Parts of the papers are not open to the public at the authors' desire).