ASC-TUFS Working Papers

Volume 2 (2022)

March 15, 2022


◆Title: ASC-TUFS Working Papers Volume 2 (2022)

◆Publisher: African Studies Center - TUFS

◆Date of Publish: March 15, 2022


Shinichi Takeuchi

Perverting Pax Africana: External Actors and Africa's Security Architecture
Adekeye Adebajo

Japan's Peace Policy in Africa: Discussion towards TICAD VIII
Shinichi Takeuchi

The Matrix of the Human Security Project in the Context of the TICAD Process
Kweku Ampiah

Why Do Informal Cross Border Traders (ICBTs) Operate Informally? The Paradox of the Formalization of ICBTs in Africa
Yumi Nakayama

Refugee Mobility and Uncertain Lives: Challenges and Agency of South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda
Isao Murahashi

Beyond the Cessation Clause: Rwandan Refugees in Uganda --From Refugees to East African Citizens?
Frank Ahimbisibwe

The African Sovereign Debt: Financial Dominance over Development
Kazue Demachi

Over-indebtedness of Microfinance in Rural Africa: A Sociological Perspective of Tanzania
Makiko Sakai

Mobile Money and Structural Transformation: Evidence from Tanzania
Christian S. Otchia

The Trans-region Movement of Seasonal Labour in Ghana: Settlement Formation of Populations in the Upper West Region and Trade Network
Hitomi Kirikoshi

People and Dogs in Rainforests: Multispecies Relationships Under the Rising Pressure of Conservation Policy in Southeastern Cameroon
Takanori Oishi

Implications of Transboundary Natural Resource Management: Analysis of the Cover Change of Mangroves and Surrounding Inland Atlantic Forests
in the Bakassi Peninsula of Cameroon
Evariste Fongnzossie and Ngendoh Zedekiah

Affective Healing: Pentecostal Charismatic Churches and Religious Plurality in Benin
Ran Muratsu

Where Muslim Spirits Possess Christian Mediums: the Hadra Meeting in Boset, Ethiopia
Yasuo Matsunami

List of Contributors

*You can download the PDF version of the whole chapters by clicking the title of the book. You can also check and download the PDF version of each paper on J-Stage (a platform for scholarly publications in Japan) by clicking a title of each paper (Parts of the papers are not open to the public at the authors' desire).

? 2022 African Studies Center - Tokyo University of Foreign Studies


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