
Visiting TUAT

Dr. Sonwa and Dr. Takanori Oishi, a lecturer of ASC - TUFS, visited Department of International Environmental and Agricultural Science (IEAS) in Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) at Fuchu. They exchanged ideas about researches for tropical agriculture and agroforestry with Prof. Yoshiharu Fujii, Dr. Yosei Oikawa, and Dr. Laurence Mona Ndam. Dr. Ndam works mainly at University of Buea in Cameroon, and has been invited at TUAT as a visiting associate professor. At the meeting, they agreed to hold a symposium on December under the theme of agriculture, forestory, and environment. Dr. Sonwa and Dr. Oishi also met researchers from other departments in TUAT whose research field is Africa, and shared the ideas about their researches.