
Winter intensive Course Themed on "Development Finance"

Jan. 30, 2019 - Feb. 1, 2019

IMG_2448.jpgDr. Amoah gave lectures during January 30 and February 1, 2019, as a winter intensive course at TUFS. The class was themed on "Development Finance", and 7 students attended.

On the first day, Dr. Amoah explained about the general idea of finance and introduced an argument on a difference between financing functions of developed countries and financial situation of developing countries. Besides, he encouraged students to discuss about financial development in Africa after showing 15-minute movie.

On the second day, Dr. Amoah focused on financing functions peculiar to developing countries, such as microfinance, ROSCAs, and "Susu" in Ghana, and difficulties in finance in agricultural sector. He also introduced a movie to show a case of agricultural finance.

On the final day, he had a lecture about how insurance and pension system function in developing countries, comparing the case in Japan and so on. After the lecture, he divided the students into two groups and let them debate on the topics "Does microfinance help developing countries develop?" and "Do developing countries need advanced payment service?"

It was educative and informative for the students to know diversity of finance and think about the primary role of financial and insurance system.