Research Activities

Research Results

Takanori Oishi【Presentation at the Academic Conference】Caring dogs for hunting among the Baka hunter-gatherers of south-eastern Cameroon

◆Speaker: Takanori Oishi (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Moise Mvetumbo (University of Yaoundé I), Evariste Fongnzossie (University of Douala)

◆Date: July 25th, 2018

◆Presentation at the Twelfth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12) held at Universiti Sains Malaysia

◆Presentation Title: Caring dogs for hunting among the Baka hunter-gatherers of south-eastern Cameroon

◆Abstract: This paper describes and analyses how the Baka hunter-gatherer of southeastern Cameroon perceive and take care of their dogs in their daily life both in forest and in settlement.