Research Activities

Research Results

【Book Publication】Takeuchi, S. ed. Land and Power in Africa: Understanding Drastic Rural Changes in the Age of Land Reform (in Japanese)

◆ Editor Shinichi Takeuchi


Introduction: Land Reform and Rural Change in Recent Africa

Chapter 1: Customary Land Tenure and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Sierra Leone: What Would be Changed and Would Not be Changed by Land Reform (Takehiko Ochiai)

Chapter 2: National Land Policy and Chief's Land Administration in Customary Land in Zambia (Shuichi Oyama)

Chapter 3: State Territorialization in Rural Ethiopia: A Case of Land Tenure System in Amhara Region (Yuka Kodama)

Chapter 4: Land Tenure Reform in South Africa: Traditional Leadership, CLaRA, and 'Living' Customary Law (Chizuko Sato)

Chapter 5: Design of Current Land Policy in Tanzania: A Compromise between the Secure 'Customary' Land Right and the National Land Use Plan (Jun Ikeno)

Chapter 6: Implementation of Land Law and Political Dynamics in Mozambique (Akiyo Aminaka)

Chapter 7: Do Land Law Reforms Deter Further Poltical Violence in Kenya? : Elections, National Land Commission, and 'Historical Land Injustices' (Miwa Tsuda)

Chapter 8: land Reform and Rural Changes: Comparison between Rwanda, Burundi, and Western DR Congo (Shinichi Takeuchi)

Conclusion: Understanding the Relationship between Land Reform and Drastic Rural Changes in Recent Africa (Shinichi Takeuchi)