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ASC Seminars

The 16th "Global Peacekeeping, International Criminal Court, and Africa"

Fri., June 8th, 2018

African Studies Center - Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) will hold the 16th ASC Seminar "Global Peacekeeping, International Criminal Court, and Africa" on June 8, 2018. Dr. Hikaru Yamashita, National Institute for Defense Studies, and Prof. Hideaki Shinoda, TUFS, will give lectures about peacekeeping in Africa.

◆Date & Time: Friday, June 8th 5:40 - 7:30 pm

◆Venue: Room 322, Research and Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

◆Language: English

◆Admission: Free

◆No pre-registration is needed

5:40 - 6:10 pm
○Speaker: Hikaru Yamashita / National Institute for Defense Studies
○Title: Global Peacekeeping Cooperation: Contexts, Patterns, and Implications
In this presentation I will introduce my book published last year (Evolving Patterns of Peacekeeping: International Cooperation at Work, Lynne Rienner, 2017) with an emphasis on its implications for Africa. The evolution of global peacekeeping cooperation in the past two decades has been closely connected to developments in African peacekeeping in the same period. I plan to highlight how such developments have served as key drivers for broader changes in peacekeeping on the global level.

6:10 - 6:40 pm
○Speaker: Hideaki Shinoda / Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
○Title: AU's Withdrawal from ICC in the Age of Partnership Peacekeeping
AU's Withdrawal Strategy Paper to facilitate its member states to defect from the International Criminal Court (ICC) is a product of political maneuvering. But it also reflects the manner African states handle matters of international peace and security. They seek more regional initiatives to handle their own affairs. Interestingly, they seek to do so in cooperation with wider international organizations. The age of "partnership peacekeeping" as regards various forms of institutional cooperation between UN and AU together with various African sub-regional organizations illustrates the atmosphere in which AU's withdrawal from ICC is officially put forward.

6:40 - 7:30 pm Discussion