News & Events

ASC Seminars

The 84th "Migration, Connectivity, and the Problem of Modern Heritage: Re-Centring Afro-Asia."

Wednesday November 8th, 2023 5:40p.m.~7:10p.m. (JST)

84thASC.png◆Speaker: Prof.Shahid Vawda

Visiting Professor, African Studies Center - TUFS, University of Witwatersrand, Associate researcher History Workshop, School of Social Science University of Cape Town, Senior Research Associate, Centre for African Studies. )

◆Title: "Migration, Connectivity, and the Problem of Modern Heritage: Re-Centring Afro-Asia."

 Delving into the complex, unequal, relationship between modernity and heritage in Africa, the paper challenges the Eurocentric notion that modernity originated in Europe, spreading through colonial domination.
  It highlights Africa's historical connectedness with Asia and Europe through migration, trade, and exchanges. Drawing from two research projects, Afro-Asia and the Modern Heritage of Africa, it calls for a nuanced understanding of "indigenous" conceptual intellection, simultaneously integrating the Enlightenment's focus on equality and dignity of all humans.

 A reassessment of Africa's historical-cultural achievements, on and beyond the continent, and UNESCO's recognition of Africa's modern heritage, reshaping the criteria for valuing universal knowledge, skills, and achievements is suggested.

◆Date & Time: November 8th 2023 (WED) 5:40p.m~7:10p.m(JST) / 8:40a.m~10:10a.m(GMT)

【Onsite】 (Room104 at Research and Lecture Bldg., Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Access:3-11-1, Asahi-cho,Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
【Online】 (Zoom Meeting)

◆Language: English

◆Admission: Free

Please scan the QR code or visit African Studies Center's HP for registration by Nov. 6th(Mon)2023.
The application will be closed as soon as the capacity reaches 30 for onsite and 300 for online.
We will send the Zoom Meeting information to the registered email address by Nov. 8th, 2023 in the morning.

◆Jointly organized by African Studies Center - TUFS and Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies


We held the 84th seminar in a hybrid style and 24 participated on-site while 20 participated online.
Prof. Shahid Vawda gave his presentation on 'Migration, Connectivity, and the Problem of Modern Heritage: Re-Centring Afro-Asia', being followed by lively discussion among Japanese and African scholars.