News & Events

ASC Seminars

The 12th "Africa, Multilateralism and the Emerging Global Order"

Wed, April 11, 2018

African Studies Center - TUFS will hold the 12th ASC Seminar on April 11,2018. We will invite Dr. Alex de Waal from World Peace Foundation, Tufts University, USA. He is an eminent researcher on famine in Sudan and war in Darfur. Dr. de Waal will give us a lecture about the history and the current situation of multilateralism in Africa.

◆Speaker: Alex de Waal
(Executive Director, the World Peace Foundation /
Research Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University)

◆Date & Time: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

◆Venue: Room 227, Research and Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

◆Title: Africa, Multilateralism and the Emerging Global Order

Africa has a unique history of multilateralism, which is coming under severe strain in the emerging global order in which transactional zero-sum security politics is on the rise. Africa's multilateralism emerges from its history as a weak continent that therefore has much to gain from the sovereign status of states in an anarchic world system, from the role of the United Nations and the Organisation of African Unity in the decolonization of the continent, and from the way in which Pan-Africanism was rooted in a transnational people's movement. During the 1990s, in response to the extreme political crises that afflicted the continent, African leaders forged new norms and collective commitments, which have played a key role in preventing and resolving conflicts. As the embodiment of these aspirations, the African Union has provided formal principles and informal mechanisms to promote a promising form of African multilateralism. However, these aspirations are currently jeopardized by militarization of U.S. foreign policy and the expansion of Middle Eastern rivalrous politics into Africa.

◆Language: English

◆Admission: Free

◆No pre-registration is needed.

◆Contact: African Studies Center -Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Address) Research and Lecture Building #401E2,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8534 JAPAN
Tel/Fax) +81-42-330-5540

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