
My School Life at TUFS

It's been one and a half month since Charles came to Japan. Since it was the first time to go out from Ghana for him, he seemed to have difficulties to adapt himself to Japanese lifestyle. However, after one and a half month, Charles has gotten used to it, and he told us that his favorite Japanese food is Onigiri (Japanese rice ball) and Miso soup. Beside, his Japanese skill is drastically improving day by day because he's taking Japanese class every day and also is eager to practice what he's learnt with us and Japanese students.

Today, Charles will introduce his ordinalry life at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

<My School life at TUFS>

Studying in TUFS is a life-changing experience. I wake up every day to face new adventures and exciting experiences. My schedule is loose, although I have ten classes a week which allows me to explore the beauty of japan. I am studying the Japanese language which is every morning of every day of the week and other courses like international relations, global issues, international development studies, statistics for social sciences and film analysis.

At Tama Zoo with freshmen of African Studies course

On Mondays I only have Japanese class in the morning then I have the whole day to myself. In most cases, I use some part to finish assignments I could not finish. And in the evenings I do a review for my classes. On Tuesdays, I have classes on the second period and the fourth period. After my classes, I go for a two-hour Aikido practice at the school's gymnasium. Wednesdays also follow the same class arrangement except during lunch breaks, I have my lunch with the staff of the African Studies Center, some African students studying at TUFS and also some Japanese students doing African Studies. I have come to enjoy this period very much because it offers the opportunity for me to learn and practice Japanese. Thursdays are the busiest of all my days, my class begin in the first period and continuing through to the third period after which I go for Aikido training. I get very tired on Thursdays but I have only two classes the following morning so it is no worry for me getting well rested. I have my fun on weekends. I go for groceries shopping on Saturday mornings and if I don't have to go and meet my host family on either Saturday or Sunday, I prepare my food for the coming week. I go for Aikido practice on Saturdays too. Most of my Sundays are spent with my fellow international students going for sightseeing of little walk around the vicinity.

Every Wednesday, he eats lunch with Japanese students, other international students from Africa, and ASC members

The few weeks I have been here at TUFS has taught me a lot of things. I have come to be punctual, disciplined and time conscious. It has also deepened and shaped my understanding of life and the other cultures around me. This is a unique experience I have come to enjoy and I hope everyone does too.

Charles Acheampong Agyebeng