Exchange Students


Student from University of Pretoria has arrived!

Friday, April 5, 2019


From left, Dr. Matsunami, Abigail from University of Ghana, Wendy, Dr. Kirikoshi

Wendy-Rose Govender, an excahnge student from University of Pretoria, has arrived in Japan on April 2, 2019. Her dream to study in Japan has come true since Yazaki Corp. supports her airfare and some parts of life expenses. Yazaki Corp. has contributed to our funds to invite students from African countries to Japan, and Wendy is the first student who came to TUFS with Yazaki's contributions.

Wendy majors in engineering at University of Pretoria, and she will study at TUFS only during spring semester. She is taking Japanese class every day now. We will support her during her stay and hope she can learn as much as possible.