
Staying in Japan for three weeks

October 11, 2019

Clara, who came from University of Ghana to study at TUFS with a round-trip airticket supported by Toyota Ghana, sent us a short essay. She wrote about her first impression of Japan and TUFS, and also her life so far. We were suprised to here that she already learnt how to read and write all of Hiragana, Japanese alphabet. We look forward to see how much she can improve her Japanese skill before she goes back to Ghana.

Including Ruth and Clara, the other exchange student of fall 2019, Toyota Ghana has supported five students of University of Ghana to come to study at TUFS. We are grateful for their warm-harted support.

Culture shock was one of the feelings I expected to experience as I arrived at the Narita Airport. Ironically, My first time in Japan was filled with warmth. Every individual I came across had an amiable demeanor, willing to offer assistance every step of the way. During the orientation, we were well informed about the schedule of the semester. Currently, all my classes facilitate people of diverse backgrounds, which has been impactful to my personal development.

I am so grateful to Toyota- Ghana, for supporting this beneficial experience. Their generosity is highly appreciated. I hope to completely immerse myself in this unique culture and improve my Japanese during my stay here. The lifelong skills I have been able to take up even in the few days of my life, attests to the major transformations this opportunity would have on my life.