Exchange Students


Online Classes from Rwanda, Flying to Japan, and Spring Break

May 17, 2021


Justus wrote essays to tell us how his days were so far. His days as an exchange student of TUFS has not been as usual from the beginning due to COVID-19: he had to take classes online from Rwanda for almost 2 months after the fall semester started, he had to stay at his room for 2 weeks after his arrival, he can't meet people whenever he wants to, and so on. However, he's enjoying his life in Japan in his way, as well as making efforts to learn and experience "Japan".

Following is his essay.

Greetings to you all, I hope you're doing well and safe amidst this pandemic situation.

As I continue hoping against hopes that the pandemic situation improves and gave me chase to interact with you physically, I'm writing this essay too late you know how I'm spending my academic and holidays breaks. In this essay, I will briefly describe how the fall semester was like, my experience during the winter and spring break.

* You can read each essay by clicking the titles below.

The Fall Semester and My Coming to Japan

The Welcoming Party Organized by Former Japanese Exchange Students at PIASS

Participating in the Japanese Classes for Beginners, Organized by the Inter-University Exchange Program, TUFS

Attending meditation Tour, Organized by the Inter-University Exchange Program, TUFS

Attending the Hiroshima Tour organized by the Inter-University Exchange Program, TUFS