Exchange Students


Visiting Ikubunkan Global High School and bidding farewell

July 14, 2021

The next month after he finally met the students of Ikubunkan Global High School face to face in June, he visited their school with Henri and had another session to understand each other's countries more. It was the last opportunity for them to meet in Japan this time. After Thembo met many Japanese students including the students of Ikubunkan and learnt that there are many Japanese young people who're interested in Africa and want to learn about Africa, he came up with an idea to begin a project to help Japanese students to connect with African students.

The following is his essay.


Following our friendship and the excitement we had during their visit to the TUFS campus, I and Fabrice decided to visit Ikubunkan Global High school and bid farewell to the students especially those interested in Africa. Upon arriving at thier campus, we found when they were excitedly waiting for us, I was really happy to meet them once more. As soon as we arrived then they took us around their school. I was surprised how their school looked a bit small but very organized with almost all the required necessities for students. I think this high level of organization explains why these students are very punctual and intelligent.

After seeing around, we had a gathering again and they presented about the Japanese culture, especially food. After the presentation, we had question and answer sessions. As we were discussing different topics about Japan and Africa, I realized that some students who had been to Africa had a different view than those who have never been to Africa. I asked them to form two groups, one for those who have been to Africa to discuss what surprised them during their visit and which country they wished to visit in the future. Another group of those who have never been to Africa and to discuss what they know about Africa, what comes to their mind when they hear the word Africa and which country they wish to visit in the future. This discussion was very educative to both of us, and later, I discussed African cultures and nature. We later took pictures and left for TUFS. This was one of my memorable days in Japan.


I presented them my project which aims at helping Japanese students who are interested in Africa to get information and connecting them to different African students to help them in their research. Thier leader liked my project and asked to work with me after reaching Africa and we organise tours. This project has already helped a masters student from Chuo University, three students from TUFS, one Ikubunkan Global High School student, a group of MPJ Youth members in organising an online tour with Makerere University students, Uganda, one student from Yokohama City University, three Japanese students at my home university. Once I get enough support in the future, I'm planning to develop this project into a foundation or organization.