

November 25 - December 8, 2020

After Henri and Justus arrived at Japan on Nov. 25, they were quarantined for 2 weeks. It is not easy afte they finally came to Japan, but many of his friends in Japan and in Ruwanda and Burundi cared about him, which never bored him.

You can read his essay from below.


I was new in Japan and Asia for the first time to experience a strong coldness as well as self-quarantine. Although everything was new, these two weeks were wonderful and enjoyable. I have experienced love and kindness from numerous people. I did not feel alone because my classes continued online and could receive various calls from Rwanda, Burundi and hospitality from former Japanese students at PIASS. I was impressed by how TUFS had been offering delivery food like bread, snacks and various drinks during quarantine. It is a generous activity that amazed me. I like how supportive they were and communicative. And I want to thank the African Studies Center-TUFS that made me feel at home on campus. I entered the TUFS campus for the first time because of the ASC-TUFS invitation. This was a good opportunity to finish quarantine and directly go outside to meet people who are willing to welcome you. Thank you to everyone, Midorikawa, Takeuchi, Ran and Isao. I had a happy interaction and conversation.