Exchange Students


#Visiting Ikubunkan Global High School

Spring 2021

Henri and Thembo had workshops with students of Africa Seminar at Ikubunkan Global High School. The students gave presentations about Japan according to the themes that Henri and Thembo requested, and they told the students about Africa in return. Henri seems to be very impressed by the students preparation for the presentations and their knowledge on Africa.

The following is his essay.

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It was overwhelming to visiting Ikubunkan Global High School. During this visit, I was welcomed kindly and within their school, I had a nice interaction with all student's part of the African seminar group. At first, they showed various things beyond the classroom that contribute to their effective learning. This included various materials such as laboratories and arts for practical experiences and learning enhancement and then things such football yard, kendo and Judo room that contribute to their physical fitness and entertainment. Their school is well equipped and I am not doubtful that it will help them to fit easily when enrolled at university. They had made a wonderful presentation for us (Thembo and I) while responding to our curiosity. Thembo was curious about "What it means to be a Japanese" and I was curious to know, "Who is a half-person in Japan and his integration in Japanese society". I was amazed at how prepared and informative the presentation was. I learn a lot and especially, I was surprised that they noticed that, "half people" in Japan are not well integrated into the social life of Japan. I loved the most their recommendations towards Japanese people, for instance, they wish, Japanese could embrace and learn from diversity as a way forward to make half people and foreigners equitably feel integrated into the Japanese society.

Overwhelmed by much information and knowledge they know about Africa; I interviewed the majority of them with few questions about Africa. The likely questions are "what do you love about Africa", "Which country do you want to visit in Africa", and "Have you visited Africa". With the prompt answer, it was fun to listen to them. I was surprised by their diversity in preference of country they had visited and wish to visit. I got happy that some have visited already Africa, but especially, it was energizing and pleasant that they all want to visit at least one African country.