
Visiting Marubeni Office

June 25th, 2018

If anything has to be true, then it is the fact that I have come to enjoy my stay in Japan with memorable experiences and exposure. But of all the know-hows and the memories, I will never forget during is my visit to the Marubeni Corporations on the 25th of June 2018. Not only I am touched by their generosity to sponsoring my being in Japan but I saw also taken by their open arms in welcoming on my visit to their office in central Tokyo.

It was both an honor and a privilege coming to understand the creed and working philosophy of such a successful corporation. Indeed, any business that has its foundations rooted in "fairness, innovation and harmony" shall stand through the passing of time experiencing exponential growth as has the Marubeni Corporation. I must say I was bewildered finding out that the history of the corporation goes as far as the 1850s and has employed more than 40 thousand employees around the globe. It was also interesting knowing that the corporation is not only involved in transportation services and automotive but in other areas such as food production, consumer products and power plant supply. I was again touched by the corporation's statement of not just providing services to consumers but also playing active role in their protecting human rights. Not only this but the corporation is also involved in the protection the global environment under the general umbrella of promoting inclusive growth, world development and sustainability.

Of all that transpired during my visit, I was most pleased of their plans to help promote technical studies in the University of Ghana. This initiative of Marubeni Corporations is ingenious and I believe that this will go a long way to foster practical understanding in the University of Ghana. In my most humble opinion this action will help bridge the wide gap that exist between the academics and the business world in Ghana.

I wish to conclude by again thanking Marubeni Corporations for their good works and kindness. For this great opportunity you have offered me, the chance to learn a new language and an experience that has come to shape my perspective of life, "わたしはとてもありがたいです". どうもありがとうございました!

Charles Acheampong Agyebeng