
Supplement: Documents that are accepted as original.

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 We consider the following cases ①~③ as acceptable documents.
 ※Follow the intruction of admission information if you see any remarks such as "Should be sent in sealed envelop" or "Copy is allowed".


 Certificates with official stamps or signatures by a certifying institute or the person in charge of approval .
 (Copied stamp or signature are not accepted.)





 Documents processed with highly technical COPY FORGERY PREVENTING system.
  (※We check by taking a copy upon receiving the document.)




 Documents that are submitted by the official institute in a certified and sealed envelop.
 (※【Attention】Read the following remark carefully!!)

 Regarding ③ if the envelop is not sealed and the documents are not original it is unvalid.
 Since applicants cannot check inside of a sealed envelop, make sure to confirm all the required documents with the requested contents in advance.




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