
What does University check on the certificates ?


【卒業/修了(見込)証明書/ Certificate of expected graduation】

【学歴認証報告書(中国大陸の大学既卒の者のみ)/ Online Verification Report of HEQC (only for those who graduated from Chinese Universities)】

【学位取得証明書/ Certificate of Degree acquisition】

【在学証明書/ Enrollment Certificate


 We examine if the applicant is eligible to applying or not. For more detail click each certificate. 


【成績証明書/ Academic Transcript】


 We check the period of enrollment on the applicant's application form against that on the academic transcript, and the status of study during the period at the time of document screening and oral examination.
 For the Entrance Examination for Transfer Students in the Third year, all the earned credits will be checked.


(以下参考/ Reference) 

【調査書(文部科学省より通知されている「入学者選抜実施要項」により、提出を求める書類)/ Documents to be submitted according to the “Admission Guideline” announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science and Technology】



 The checking process is the same as the description above.
※ If you have any questions regarding the Admission Guideline click Q4-7. The admissions office cannot answer any questions.   

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