
I could not find any proxy in Japan to send the documents for me. I am going to send it from abroad but I can not specify the date of delivery.


【一部の試験種においては国内代理人が不要です。募集要項を確認のうえ、代理人が不要な試験種の場合は、当項目は関係ありません。/ Some cases do not require a proxy. Check the admission information and find if a proxy is required for your case.】    



 Basically we are assuming to receive registered domestic mails and it is preferable that you ask your proxy to send documents from inside the country.  

 If you have no choice but to send your documents from abroad, try to send it well in advance so that it can reach here before deadline.


※You need a proxy to receive your admission card and notification of acceptance.
Those are sent only to domestic addresses.



 Even if applications from abroad are received a several days earlier they will be opened on first day of application period.
 But if they arrive too early (3 or 4weeks earlier) they might be returned to the senders.

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