
MA Student Thesis

2021 MA Thesis title

Strategy of regional Institution in Southeast Asia on Radicalized Intraregional Borders

The Debated as to Whether International Aid is Sincere as the Word "Aid" implies, or is it Another Form of Imperialism?

A Long histor of Non-Violent Tradition: A Thematic Analysis of Interviews with Okinawa's Anti-Base Activist Community

Dropping the Bomb: Air Power & War Termination


2020 MA Thesis Title

An Examination of Political Aspects of Land Reform, Conflicts and Marginalization in Rural Agriculture in Zimbabwe

American Institutions and the Perpetuation of Violenve in Modern Times

Children in Warfare: Violation of International Law


2019 MA thesis title

Transitional Justice Mechanisms: An Examination of the Impacts of Restorative Justice System on Peacebuilding in Timor-Leste

Arctic securitization in the aftermath of the Ukrainian crisis

Without Demarcation: The Dynamic of Sino-Indian Border Dispute

Engligthening Movement from Mobilization to Demobilization: Dynamics of Contentious Politics in Afghanistan

Examing the Natural Resource Abundance Conundrum and Emerging Community Development Agreement (CDA) in Post War Sierra Leone. Case Study of Sierra Rutile Community Development Intervention

Internal and external determinants of the Russian territorial dispute policy


2018 MA thesis title

From Reunification to Mobilization: A Case Study on Localism and Identity Politics in Hong Kong Since 1997

The Role of Dams in Identity and Hydro Politics:

A Constructivist Analysis on Water Disputes Between Egypt and Ethiopia

Muslim Mindanao and Marcos’s regime: A Center-Periphery Approach


Rehabilitation and Reintegration Process of Ex-LTTE Combatants in Sri Lanka

The Dilemma of Quebec Sovereignty Movement:To Seek or Not To Seek Independence


2017 MA thesis title

The Emergence of Gang Related Youth Violence in Post War Sierra Leone: An Exploration of Youth Violence in Freetown

The Aftermath of a Protest Movement: The Gezi Park Protests and Post-Protest Political Organization in Turkey

The 2013-14 Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine and the 2011-12 Democracy Movement in Russia: A Comparative Analysis of Domestic Factors

Political Communication During The Syrian Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Television Channels on the Domestic Level Between 2010-2016

The Ebola Lens of Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone: Exploration of key Public Health Measures

Assessing the Root Causes of Protracted Conflict in South Sudan, beyond Ethnicity

Returned foreign fightes of Russian origin: Empiriral analysis on the threat of returnees on Russian security


2016 MA thesis title

Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia in Persistence: Strategy of Negotiation on Struggling Authority to Manifest Religious Freedom in Indonesia

Ecuador's Response to the Refugree Crisis, with Special Reference to its Legal Measures (1992-2012)

Security Sector Report in Post-war Sierra Leone - A Case Study of Police Reform and the Rise of Corruption

Contentious Politics in Senegal: The Social Analytical Reading of the Protests of 2011

Intergroup Intolerance and Social Construction of Threat: An Analysis of Buddhist-Muslim Relations in Sri Lanka (2009-2015)

An Examination of Aid Policies Based on Misperceptions of Conflict Causes in Sudan


2015 MA thesis titles

Varieties of Kashmiri Public Narratives And Their Recent Relational Development within the Kashmir Valley

Examing the Politics of Post-Genocide Rwanda: Legitimacy, Institutionalization and the Genocide Ideology

What Makes Primordial Setiments Significant in The Protraction of Violent Ethnic Conflict: The Case of the Mamprusi-Kusasi Conflict in Bawku, Ghana

Legitimacy and the Case of Hong Kong


2014 MA thesis titles

Mechanisms and Repertoires used in the Intifadas of year 2008 and year 2010 in Jammu and Kashmir

The Malleability of the US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement with Consideration to Okinawa


2013 MA thesis titles

A Relational Approcah to Palestinian Intifadas: "Violence" and "Nonviolence" in Contentious Actions

Regionalization and Conflict Transformation - The Republic of Moldova and Transnistria

How does Authoritarian Regimes under International Economic pressures accommodates the domestic discontent? The case of Iraq under the UN Economic Sanctions (1990-2003) by analyzing the articles of Iraqi Newspapers and Cultural activities

The Participation of the Indonesian Military in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and the Indonesian Military Reform

Chad, Protracted Military - Political Instability and The Dilemma of Darfuri Refugee Security

The Case of the "20th February Movement": Contentious Politics in Morocco

The Relational Dynamics of Otpor and Milosevic 1991-2000: The Importance of Relational Shifts


2012 MA thesis titles

The Transformation of the Gypsy Identity in Kosovo

From Sickles to Guns: Women's Involvement in the Maoist Unsurgency in Nepal

Democritization and Contentious Politics in Africa: The Case of Mozambique

The Kurdish Question in Turkey under the AKP's Government

Security Alliances as a Means to Resolve Territorial Disputes: The Case of Takeshima/Dokdo


2011 MA thesis titles

Building Unity in a Divided Society The Role of History Educ ation in Post-Genocide Rwanda

Georgian IDPs:The Identity Question and The Issue of Integration


The Prospect of the Application of Federalism in Post 2003 IRAQ



The Political Consequences of the Afghan Electoral System :Voting for an Individual in a Multi-Member District.

Durability of Peace Agreement in Maintaining Peace:A Study on the Implementation of Memorandum of Understanding in Aceh,Indonesia.

Post-revolutionary transformation in Iranian women's movement


2010 Thesis Titles

Community Reintegration and the Basis for Reconciliation in Colombia after 2003

Forced Internal Displacement: as a Result of Political Mobilization in Iraq post 2003

The Key to Reconciliation: The main obstacles between the military regime and ASSK led oppositions and the reasons why does it take so long to solve them


2009 Thesis Titles

The Qualitative Quantitative Dilemma: Analysis of Indicators of Achievement as used in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration(DDR) Programs

The Impact of CPA's Power-Sharing Arrangements on the Process of Democratic Transformation in Sudan

Filim Narratives after Breakup of Former Yugoslavia and How They Supplement with the Historical Reality

Transformation of Clan Politics into Party Politics in Kyrgyzstan (2005-2008)

Peace from Business: Contributions of Transnational Corporations to Ethnic Reconciliation in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina

Political Islam in Indonesia: Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia and Its Quest for the Caliphate and Shariah

The Human rights of Indigenous People of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh: Government attitudes towards Human Rights of CHT People in Bangladesh

Parliament System in Nepal: Analysis of Nature of Nepali Political Parties


2008 Thesis Titles

Freedom of Movement Deadlocked in Perception: A Human Security Approach on New Kosovo

From Social Discrimination to Islam-Phobia 9/11 and Maghreb Muslims in France

Decentralization in Post-conflict Cambodia "Prospects of Local Democracy and Poverty Reduction

Conflict Resolution and Justice Processes in Timor Leste Post Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation: A Search for Solutions

Realism & Reciprocity: A Quantitative Analysis of North Korea's Behavior 1990-2006

Iran's Nuclear Program: A New Option for U.S. Policy


2007 Thesis Titles

Peace-building and Decentralization - CARERE and Seila: Origins, Functions and Their Impact on Post-conflict Cambodia
' Credibility out of Collusion: Conflict and Media in China and the West
The Japanese Constitution: To Change or Not to Change? The Interplay among Politicians, the Public, and External Actors
Toward Conflict Prediction: Non-Economic Aspect of Rural Poverty - Analysis of Cultural Determinants of Poverty and Operationalization of a Capabilities Approach
External Intervention and Conflict Outcomes: Analyzing the Effects of Intervention Strategies in Sri Lanka
Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Peace Building: A Case Study of Nepal
Politics and Memory of Wat in Vietnamese-American Reconciliation
Thailand's Participation in International Peace Operations: Exploring Motivations, Costs, and Benefits
'How the Mass Media Affects Communication Gaps between Korea and Japan: Analysis of Newspaper Articles about Dokdo (Takeshima)
'Engendering Justice: Looking Towards the Transformation of Gender Norms Through the Peacebuilding Process
'Democratization and Conflict Management: A Study on the Strategy of Negotiation in the Case of Aceh, Indonesia
Multi-Track Diplomacy - Focusing on the Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict
People Power: Explaining the War in Iraq Through Public Attitudes and Beliefs

2006 Thesis Titles

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (1928-1981): Political Exclusion and Radical Outcomes

Why National Identity Prevents Security Community Formation: The Cases of Taiwan and South Korea

Government of National Unity in South Africa and Mozambique: Reassessing Executive Power-Sharing in Post-Conflict Democratic Transitions

Engaging Complexity in Contemporary Conflict Analysis and Reponse: Disaggregation, Violence, and Recent Ethnography and Theory

The Possibilities and Limitations of Punitive Measures Taken Against Dictatorship Regimes by the International Community: Focusing on Japan’s ODA experience

From Hell to Limbo: No Protection for Burmese Soldiers

The Ways and Perspectives of Conflict Mitigation in Ferghana Valley: The Impact of Poverty