
PhD Student Dissertations

Following are the dissertations of those who were grantedwith the Degree of Philosophy. Click the title for the abstract of the dissertations.


No. 279 (2019.9.25)

Name: Kathri Achchige Sandunika Hasangani

Dissertation Title: Virtual construction of the ethnic self: An analysis of the visual framing of in-/out- group perceptions (of Sinhalese) on social media in Sri Lanka(2009-2018)

No.270 (2019.3.12)

Name: Zou Yi

Dissertation Title: Japanese War Memories and Sino-Japanese Relations from 1972 to 2017:Textbooks,Museums and The Debates over History


No. 222 (2017.1.18)

Name: Gunnar Rekvig

Dissertation Title: The Nordic Peace: Approaches, Solution and Principles of Conflict Transformation


No.189 (2014.9.10)

Name: Mohamed Omer Abdin

Dissertation Title: The Impact of the Sudan's Intra-North Power Struggle on the North-South Conflict : Historical Analysis of Post-Independence National Regimes' approaches to Conflict Resolution


No.176 (2013.11.6)

Name: Macias Hector Andres

Dissertation Title: Privatization of Security in Colombia : Expanding the Concept of Militarization


No. 170 (2013.7.24)

Name: Desmond Molloy

Dissertation Title: An Unlikely Convergence : The Evolution of Disarmament,
Demobilisation and Reintegration(DDR)Theory and Counterinsurgency(COIN)Doctrine


No. 152 (2012.03.26)


Dissertation Title: On Possibility of the Postwar Knowledge - Continuities and Discontinuities in the Thoughts of Kato Shuichi


No. 137 (2011.3.16)

Name: Palacio Fernando Diego

Dissertation Title: State building in Myanmar under military guidance and the dilemma of national security and social welfare: motivations behind state budgetary allocations


No. 124 (2010.03.17)

Name: Darwisheh, Housam

Dissertation Title: Institutions, Electoral Politics, and Dynamics of Political Participation in Egypt (1952-2005)