
PCS Open Seminars (June 26 & July 3)

Following two PCS Open Seminars are scheduled.

June 26 (Fri) 10:10- 11:40

Room 114 (Research & Lecture Bldg)

Lecture title: Pragmatism, Moral Responsibility or Policy Change: Syrian Refugee Crisis and selective humanitarianism in Turkish Refugee Policy

Lecturer: Dr. Umut Korkut (Reader in Politics, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK)

July 3 (Fri) 10:10 – 11:40

Room 114 (Research & Lecture Bldg)

Lecture title: Human Security at 21: Civilizing Process or Civilizing Mission?

Lecturer: Prof. Giorgio Shani (Senior Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, International Christian University)