[Message from the President] Before the fall quarter starts

September 27, 2024

The summer heat is finally gone, and it feels like the fall quarter is about to begin! We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the university next week. I would like to make eight announcements today.

1. The library has become more comfortable

The library used to prohibit food and drink, but from October, drinks with lids will be allowed in the library. Please be careful not to contaminate the precious books. Also, Wi-Fi access points have increased, making it easier to connect to Wi-Fi almost anywhere in the library. Please use the library more and more!

2. Wi-Fi access points in the Research and Lecture Building have been consolidated to WLANo

WLANo is now the only Wi-Fi access point in the Research and Lecture Building. WLAN_101, WLAN_115_226_227, etc., which were used in the Zoom classrooms during the coronavirus pandemic, have been discontinued, and the whole building has been unified to WLANo. The number of access points has also increased, so I think it has become easier to connect to Wi-Fi.

3. A few extra TUFS-Boxes have been added.

A total of 9 private study boxes have been added to the TUFS box area on both sides of the Research and Lecture Building. Please make use of them by sharing them with everyone.

4. New Academic Affairs Information System has been installed!

As you may have already noticed, the Academic Affairs Information System has been replaced and a few things have changed. The first change is that it is now smartphone compatible. However, the system was down for a long time on September 23rd and 24th due to a glitch that occurred as a result of the replacement. We apologize for any inconvenience caused upon course registration. I believe it is working normally now, but I am a little worried about the system going down again. If you notice anything, please contact the Educational Affairs Division.

5. 100-yen Breakfast

The 100-yen breakfast at the Co-op cafeteria, donated by the Gaigokai (TUFS alumni association), has been re-started. Just like the spring semester, it will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday is curry day and Friday is rice bowl day. Please wake up early and enjoy a 100-yen breakfast.

6. New International Students Arrive in Japan

A total of 263 exchange students have arrived in Japan: 178 undergraduate students, 39 graduate students, and 49 students in other categories. They will stay in Japan for six months or a year. We hope that all of you, including the buddy students, will actively communicate with the international students. In our various surveys, we always receive comments from Japanese students that they cannot get to know international students and vice versa. However, the university cannot force students to get to know each other. If you understand each other's major language, take the same classes, or sit next to each other in the cafeteria, please take action and try to talk to each other.

7. Protecting the Greenery on Campus

You may have heard that accidents caused by fallen trees continue to occur throughout Japan. In Hino City, Tokyo, a large branch fell and killed someone. In fact, many of the trees in our university's campus are quite old, and we are always in a bit of a panic every time there is a typhoon or other disaster. This year, too, we have been forced to cut down some old trees. However, we cannot cut them all down. The only solution is to keep a watchful eye on them. The university is having a tree diagnosis done by a specialist, but if you notice anything, please let the university know. Let's work together to protect the university's greenery.

8. Job Hunting

Some of you who will graduate or complete your studies this year may not have found a job yet. Don't rush, don't panic. I am sure that you will find a path that suits you. First, please go talk to the Global Career Center (GCC) at our university. You are not alone, so please do not worry. This is just the beginning of your career.

So, let's meet on campus cheerfully in the new semester starting next week.

President, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Kayoko Hayashi