TUFS student wins the Amano Cup German Speech Contest D.U.K. Cup.
December 19, 2024
On Saturday, December 14th, 2024, the 54th Amano Cup German Speech Contest (hosted by Dokkyo University Alumni Association German Conversation Study Group) was held at Dokkyo University, and in the first part of the contest, the D.U.K. Cup (recitation section), Ms. Kurumi Sato, a second-year student in the School of Language and Culture Studies, German major, won first place.
This is a long-established German language contest that has been held every year since 1970. This year's 54th contest had the overall theme of “gender issues” and was made up of three parts: Part 1 (reading of stories), Part 2 (recitation with theatrical-style direction), and Part 3 (presentation of original speeches). Students studying German from all over the country competed in each part. In the first part of the competition, Ms. Sato recited Goethe's poem “In Tausend Formen” and won the competition.
Ms. Sato's comments
This time, I recited the poem “In Tausend Formen” by Goethe in the first part of the D.U.K. Cup. I was also given the leading role in the German play that was held at the end of November, so I was preparing for that play at the same time as the recitation, but I am very grateful to have received such a prestigious award. In particular, Professor Hendricks, who specializes in German, spent many hours with me in the early morning, practicing over and over again, and always gave me positive encouragement.
This challenge has given me confidence, but it has also motivated me to want to improve even more. At the end of the competition, there was an opportunity to interact with the participants and people involved, and it was very encouraging to know that there are people out there who are working hard to learn languages as well. I think it will be a long time before I can use German freely, but I want to continue to challenge myself and keep growing.