Alumni Return to TUFS for Homecoming Day 2018
February 14, 2019
On Friday the 23rd of November (a public holiday) the 2018 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Homecoming Day was held, and many alumni and faculty members gather at the Fuchu Campus.
A ceremony was held in Room 101 of the Research and Lecture Building, at which President Tateishi reported on recent happenings at TUFS, the TUFS Archives gave a presentation on “Japanese Education and TUFS”, and a speech was given by a special guest alumnus, the actor and writer Atsuo Nakamura, to the topic of “What I learned at TUFS, and what I did afterwards”. Mr. Nakamura spoke about his time at TUFS and the decisions he made that led to where he is today, making for a very entertaining and personal ceremony.
Before the ceremony, a gathering was held in the large conference room of the Administration Building, at which the alumni socialized amongst themselves.
TUFS has been holding Homecoming Day once a year every year since 2009, with this year being our tenth anniversary of the event. We are currently planning to hold next year’s Homecoming Day during Gaigosai on Saturday the 23rd of November (2019).