“University as a Global Academic Community” International Event held at TUFS
March 6, 2019
On Friday the 22nd of February, about 35 researchers, faculty members and students from TUFS-TUAT-UEC gathered at TUFS to participate in a workshop titled “University as a Global Academic Community: Towards a New Interface Between People and Knowledge”.
Higher education and academic research have become globalized, and Japanese universities are attempting to open to the world like never before. Currently, Japanese universities are exploring the necessary steps on the path to becoming global academic communities where people from all walks of life can intersect and interact.
The first half of this workshop was an interactive exchange of ideas on the possibility of multicultural communities within universities, and was run by Professor Iguchi from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, a representative of internationalization amongst Japanese universities.
In the second half of the workshop, TUFS-TUAT-UEC student social clubs and their respective club activities were discussed, and participants freely talked about these in both Japanese and English.
The participants agreed that, in the future, the three universities should work towards closer relations through the students to revitalize and develop international exchange opportunities. After the workshop, students and faculty members exchanged email addresses, and as this workshop was a step towards revitalizing international exchange at the three universities, great things can be expected in the future.
13:40 – 15:00 Lecture
Professor Yufu Iguchi (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies)
From Multicultural Environment to Multicultural Community
~A Case of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University~
15:15 – 17:00 Presentation and discussion on student exchange organization activities
TUAT: Buddy Club
UEC: ICES (Intenational Culture Exchange Society), SAP (UEC Self Access Park)
*This event was held as part of the “Humanities and Sciences Cooperative Global Human Resources Training Program” between Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and the University of Electro-Communications (TUFS-TUAT-UEC).