Ambassador of Mexico Visits TUFS
September 4, 2019
On Monday the 19th of August, Her Excellency Ms. Melba PR?A the Ambassador of Mexico to Japan, who assumed office in June this year, visited TUFS and met with President HAYASHI Kayoko. Specially Appointed Junior Lecturer NAMIZUKA Nao also attended this meeting, and the three shared opinions on exchange opportunities between Mexican and Japanese higher education institutions. The ambassador asked many questions about the education system and environment at TUFS, making for a pleasant gathering. Suggestions were also made for the future including holding regular classes for Spanish major students on Spanish language and Mexican culture taught by embassy staff, and internship opportunities with the embassy.
TUFS has partnership agreements with two universities in Mexico, The National Autonomous University of Mexico and The University of Guanajuato, and conducts exchanges with students from these schools every year. We hope that this meeting sparked the beginning of an even stronger relationship between the Embassy of Mexico in Japan and TUFS.