SADC Ambassador Relay Lecture Series 2019 Begins with Angola
January 24, 2020
On Wednesday the 9th of October, the 2019 fall quarter Southern African Development Community (SADC) relay lecture series began with a lecture from Minister Counsellor Manuel Domingos NOGUEIRA from the Embassy of the Republic of Angola in Japan. The lecture was held in Portuguese, and covered a number of topics such as Angolan geography, culture, history, industries and Japan-Angola diplomatic relations. The embassy’s Consular Attaché, Mr. Helder J. Teixeira Congo, interpreted the lecture into English.
During this lecture, Minister Counsellor Nogueira answered questions from students and faculty concerning the economic development and natural resources of Angola, Angola’s education system, his own life story, and details on the long civil war and international relations with Central African countries.
This relay lecture series is held second period every Wednesday in room 207 of the Research and Lecture Building as a compulsory subject for first-year undergraduate students majoring in African Area Studies in the School of International and Area Studies. To promote intercultural exchange between Japan and Southern African countries, these lectures are also open to all TUFS students and faculty.
African Area Studies Associate Professor SAKAI Makiko: sakai_makiko[a]
African Area Studies Lecturer OISHI Takanori: takanori[a]
(Please replace [a] with @)
African Studies Center Website
School of International and Area Studies African Area Studies Website (student access only)