First Half of SADC Ambassador Relay Lecture Series 2019 held at TUFS
January 27, 2020
The first half of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ambassador Relay Lecture Series 2019, which began on Wednesday the 9th of October, successfully came to a close after five lectures from the ambassadors of five different countries.
【Lecture One】Wednesday 9th October, Republic of Angola, Minister Counsellor Mr. Manuel Domingos NOGUEIRA
【Lecture Two】Wednesday 16th October, Republic of Botswana, Mr. Sejo MONTSHO, Minister Counsellor
【Lecture Three】Wednesday 30th October, Kingdom of Lesotho, Mr. Pali Masenkane, Counsellor
【Lecture Four】Wednesday 6th November, Republic of Madagascar, Ms. Zo Randrianjafy, Chargée d'Affaires a.i.
【Lecture Five】Wednesday 13th November, Republic of Malawi, Mr. Bentley NAMASASU, Deputy Head of Mission/Minister
The ambassadors devoted themselves to their lecturer roles by preparing quizzes and original teaching materials in simple English that covered a wide range of topics concerning their respective countries such as nature and geography, independence from suzerainty, economic and industrial movements, and cooperative relations with Japan. The students who attended this lecture asked questions about environmental issues, territorial disputes and development issues based on their own prior learnings, and had lively discussions with the ambassadors.
This relay lecture series aims to further relations between Japan and the countries of Southern Africa, and has been held at TUFS since 2012. Due to the kindness of the ambassadors, TUFS was able to hold this lecture series again in the 2019 academic year. The remainder of this year’s lecture series will continue to be held during second period every Wednesday from November 27 after Gaigosai.
African Area Studies Associate Professor SAKAI Makiko: sakai_makiko[a]
African Area Studies Lecturer OISHI Takanori: takanori[a]
(Please replace [a] with @)
African Studies Center Website
School of International and Area Studies African Area Studies Website (student access only)