Consortium Agreement Signed for Japan-EU Double Degree Master’s Program “HIPS”
February 6, 2020
On Tuesday the 21st of January, a signing ceremony for the Consortium Agreement of the double degree master’s program “History in the Public Sphere” (HIPS) was held at Central European University (CEU), Hungary. As partner institutions of the program, this agreement was signed by the president of CEU, Michael IGNATIEFF, and TUFS Vice President MATSUKUMA Jun.
Before the signing, President Ignatieff relayed words of welcome and gratitude to the other universities participating in the consortium, and spoke of his expectations for this agreement to result in more borderless exchanges and beneficial projects. Following this, Vice President Matsukuma conveyed his gratitude and the importance of this program for TUFS, and expressed his expectations for success and future hopes for the program. Aside from Vice President Matsukuma, Professor AOYAMA Toru (Director of the Graduate School of Global Studies), Professor SHINOHARA Taku and Associate Professor ODAWARA Rin were also in attendance from TUFS.
A reception was held after the ceremony, at which relations between partner institutions were deepened.
This program was selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s (MEXT) “2019 Inter-University Exchange Project (EU-Japan Joint Master’s Program)”. Based on this Consortium Agreement, from 2020 onwards, up to eight TUFS master’s students will participate in this program every year.
Related pages:
- CEU Signs Agreement With Tokyo University of Foreign Studies - “History in the Public Sphere (HIPS)” Program Outline (Japanese)