Arabic Reading Contest Sponsored by TUFS
December 13, 2022
On Saturday, December 10, 2022, TUFS hosted an Arabic recitation contest at TUFS Hongo satellite to commemorate World Arabic Day (December 18). A total of 44 university students studying Arabic participated in the contest, competing in reciting passages from literary works by Syrian poets and writers.
The contest was held for the first time this year. The Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Japan cooperated in organizing the contest, and the planning committee was chaired by Professor Hiroyuki Aoyama of TUFS. The panel of judges was chaired by Mr. MHD. Najib Elji, Charge d’Affaires ad interim at the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Japan. Judges participating online included Professor Nujoud Atallah, Director of the Institute of Arabic Language Education for Non-Native Speakers, Doctor Abdelelah NAOULOU, Director of Japan Center for Academic Cooperation in Aleppo University, Dr. Nahed Mar’ee of the Japanese Language Department at Damascus University, and Mr. Hiroshi Miyake, Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Embassy of Japan in Syria.
The contest results are as follows.
Grand Prize
Mr. Yoshihiro Okada (2nd year student, Faculty of Letters, Waseda University)
Excellence Award
Ms. Lisa Yamanaka (1st year student of Arabic, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Excellence Award
Ms. Nanami Mukai (3rd year student, Faculty of Letters, Waseda University)
Japan Center for Academic Cooperation Award, University of Aleppo
Mr. Takami Mizokawa (2nd year student, Faculty of Letters, Waseda University)
Damascus University Japanese Language Department Prize
Mr. Yu Yamamoto (1st year student of Arabic, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Arabic Language Institute for Non-native Speakers Award
Ms. Riko Nishimura (1st year student of Arabic, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Encouragement Award
Mr. Yota Omori (1st year student of Arabic, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)