Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Japan Visits TUFS
June 26, 2023
On Friday, June 23 H.E. Mr. Tuy RY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Japan, paid a courtesy visit to TUFS. President Kayoko HAYASHI, Professor Tomoko OKADA, Visiting Professor KEP Sokunthearath, as well as TUFS students majoring in the Cambodian language and international students from Cambodia attended the meeting. President HAYASHI expressed her deep appreciation for the Embassy’s generous hospitality in hosting the Cambodian Speech Contest 2023 held at the Embassy in April, and for the invitations to visit Cambodia that were awarded to the TUFS students who won the contest. Cambodia and TUFS will continue their friendly and cooperative relations in the future. In the afternoon, the Ambassador participated in a Cambodian language class for first-year students. Each student asked the Ambassador about Cambodian literature and culture in Cambodian a very stimulating and meaningful exchange.
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