The Southern African Development Community Ambassador's Relay Lecture Begins
October 16, 2024
On Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, the first lecture in the Southern African Development Community Ambassador's Relay Lecture began, with Mr. Eniel Senderayi, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe in Japan giving the lecture.
Continuing from last year, the lecture was given face-to-face. The lecture was given in English and covered topics such as the geography, culture, history, industry of Zimbabwe and the history of diplomatic relations between Zimbabwe and Japan. After the lecture, there was a question and answer session, making for a lively class.
This Relay Lecture is a compulsory subject for first-year students of the African Studies major in the Faculty of International and Social Studies, and is held every Wednesday in the second period of the Fall quarter in Room 106 of the Research and Lecture Building. It is open to the public on campus in order to promote exchange between Japan and Southern African countries.
Upcoming Lectures
2nd Lecture | October 16th | Republic of Zambia |
3nd Lecture | October 23rd | United Republic of Tanzania |
4nd Lecture | October 30th | Republic of South Africa |
5nd Lecture | November 6th | Republic of Namibia |
6nd Lecture | November 13th | Republic of Mozambique |
7nd Lecture | November 27th | Republic of Malawi |
8nd Lecture | December 4th | Republic of Madagascar |
9nd Lecture | December 11th | Kingdom of Lesotho |
10nd Lecture | December 18th | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
11nd Lecture | January 8th | Republic of Botswana |
12nd Lecture | January 15th | Republic of Angola |
(scheduled as of 2024.10.9)
Department of African Studies (Sakai) sakai_makiko[at] (Please replace [at] with @)
African Studies Center Website
School of International and Area Studies, Department of African Studies Website