Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)
Dean’s Office, School of Japanese Studies (107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, the Republic of Korea)
*[at] should be changed to @.
10-28-2015 (Wed.)
The office is placed as a part of the room of the Dean of the College of Japanese of the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS). The office will provide support for students from Japan and HUFS students who want to study in Japan, as well as organizing events to introduce Japan. Global Japan Office is expected to be a key place for promoting Japanese language and culture in Korea.
Activity Report
Opening ceremony
- Press Release
- Date:28-10-2015(Wed)15:30-
- Venue:日本語学部長室Global Japan Office 前廊下(Main(Administration) Building 2F 207 号室)
- Program:
- Opening ceremony
- Message from the president of HUFS
- Message from the president of TUFS
- GJO office name plate was unveiled (President of HUFS, Vice-President of HUFS, President Prof. Tateishi, and Vice-President Prof.Miyazaki)
- Commemorative photo taking