Part-time job

Are students allowed to work part-time?

As an international students studying in Japan under a College Student Visa, you are allowed to work part-time, given that you first obtain a Work Permit as you arrive at the airport (either Narita or Haneda airport). We strongly recommend you to apply for the Work Permission at the airports since it takes time if you do the process at the Tokyo immigration office.As an international students studying in Japan under a College Student Visa, you are allowed to work part-time, given that you first obtain a Work Permit as you arrive at the airport (either Narita or Haneda airport). We strongly recommend you to apply for the Work Permission at the airports since it takes time if you do the process at the Tokyo immigration office.

Can you find me a part time job?

No. Please look for it by yourself. We, however, may ask you to do a university-offered job such as translation.

Contact Us

3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8534, Japan
Tel:+81-42-330-5185 Fax:+81-42-330-5189