Information Resources Center (IRC) Workshop:“Experience IIIF [trípl-ɑ?-éf]

Date / Time / Place

Date/Time:Wed 4 Dec 2019 14:00–18:00
Place:ILCAA Multimedia Conference Room(304) , 3F, ILCAA (Asahicho3-11-1, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo,183-8534)
Access Map


14:00-14:05 Introduction
14:10-15:10 Toshihito WAKI (University of Tsukuba) “Inside WDB -- Construction of Digital Archive Using Cantaloupe, IIIF-compliant Image Server”
15:20-16:20 Satoru NAKAMURA (The University of Tokyo) “IIIF Hands-on Workshop: Annotation and Curation”
16:30-17:30 Advanced Course
17:30-18:00 Discussion


Language: Japanese
Admission: Free
No pre-registration is needed.

Jointly sponsored by

ILCAA, Digital Humanities Research Unit, University of Tsukuba, Uehiro Project for the Asian Research Library (U-PARL), The University of Tokyo

For the latest information, please refer to the following link.