Field Science Colloquium: “Teaching/Starting Fieldwork under the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Date / Time

Fri 18 Mar 2022 14:00–16:00


Online meeting


14:00 Opening Remarks
14:10 Atsushi NOBAYASHI (National Museum of Ethnology) “One challenge for online education and research: how to find the 'invisible' context of diet”
14:30 Izumi KONISHI(The University of Tokyo) “Support activities for Japanese and Ryukyuan dialects research in the COVID-19 Pandemic”
14:50 Koji YAMAMOTO (The University of Tokyo) “Supporting Historians under the Pandemic: The case of Historians? Workshop”
15:10 Comment: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
15:20 Discussion
16:00 Closing


Jointly Sponsored by

Field Science Center (FSC), Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, TUFS; NIHU Multidisciplinary Collaborative Projects, “The Constellation of Food in Civilization”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), “Multifaceted development of contrastive research on spatio-temporal variation in Japanese through expansion of the database of the Dictionary of Grammar of Japonic Dialects” (Principal Investigator: HIDAKA, Mizuho (Kansei University) Project Number: 20H00015), Historians? Workshop

For the latest information, please refer to the following link.