Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)



Number of sending student

IAfP TUFS Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number 31 0 1 6 14 10
PIASS 8 Rei Hidetora、Tabita Yumiko、Ayumi、Tabita Ayari、Hirosuke
Univ. of Ghana 4 Toko、Rina Lilika、Takahito
Univ. of Zambia 6 Ilyas、Ayu Hikaru、Moto Kozue、Takuya
Univ. of Pretoria 7 Naosuke、Yuma Minami、Mao、Emi、Shunki Chihiro
Stellenbosch Univ. 4 Yuki、Hinano Hana、Suzu
University of Yaoundé I 2 Saori Ayaka


For students

Stories of Study Abroad Experience

Here is a record of the experiences of TUFS students who has studied in Africa and experiences of the students from our African partner universities to study at TUFS from 2016 to 2020.
In the complete edition, the first half (in Japanese) contains 20 articles of TUFS students’ experiences. The second half (in English) contains six articles about the experiences of TUFS students and six articles about the experiences of students from partner universities in Africa. If you are planning to study in Japan, please refer to it.

Below is the English version extracted from the complete edition.
Inbetween Africa and Japan



◆Kozue Makiyama

University of Zambia [Zambia]

◆Takuya Fukuda

University of Zambia [Zambia]

◆Chihiro Yamashita

University of Pretoria [South Africa]

◆Suzu Korenaga/ Hana Matsumoto

Stellenbosch University [South Africa]

◆Ayari Hirayama/ Hirosuke Koide

Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences [Rwanda]

◆Lilika Waki/ Takahito Yamamoto

University of Ghana [Ghana]

◆Ayaka Saeki

University of Yaoundé I [Cameroon]



◆ Emi Mizuno

University of Pretoria [South Africa]

Emi Mizuno, a third-year student of School of Japan Studies, began her exchange program on Feb.2024, at University of Pretoria. Emi will study at the department of humanities for one year. Here is the messages from Emi.

Message from Emi

Hello. I’m Emi Mizuno. I belong to the School of Japan Studies. I will be a senior student from this April.
I will study at the Faculty of Humanities in University of Pretoria from this February to December for two semesters. In this first semester, I will take three modules: Education, Zulu, Setswana. Since my major in Japan is Japanese Language and Japanese Teaching, I would like to compare the language education in Japan and South Africa by learning these modules.
Though only 10 days have passed since I came here in South Africa, I have experienced a lot of new things like watching wild giraffes and zebras and enjoying braai BBQ.
Pretoria is not such a safe city as cities in Japan and it can be dangerous to walk outside alone. But there are strong connections with people. I feel the kindness of my friends.
I would like to express sincere thanks to the staffs of Innovative Africa and teachers supporting my exchange program.
Department: Humanities、Courses: Education, Zulu, Setswana

◆ Saori Yamamoto

University of Yaoundé I [Cameroon]

◆ Shunki Oketani

University of Pretoria [South Africa]

◆ Yumiko Matsuoka/ Ayumi Kato

Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences [Rwanda]
Yumiko 2023.10.15~2024.9.15
Ayumi 2023.10~2024.09

Yumiko Matsuoka, a second-year student in the Master’s Program of the Graduate School of Global Studies, and Ayumi Kato, a third-year student in the Korean major, have started an exchange program at the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences in Rwanda from October 2023. They will study peacebuilding in the Faculty of Development Studies for about one year. Here are the messages from Yumiko and Ayumi.

Message from Yumiko

Hello. I am Yumiko Matsuoka, a second-year student in the Master’s Program of the Graduate School of Global Studies. I am also a high school teacher of history (mainly world history) and civics (politics and economics). I was previously involved in peace studies in Nagasaki for 12 years, which led me to enter TUFS in the hope of building peace education in high schools that goes beyond my own subject area. That ‘peace’ includes various contents, one of which, gender issues, is the theme of my master’s thesis.
I strongly feel that here in Rwanda, as if guided by an invisible force, I have encountered so many different people and learnings that have led me to where I am today. I am writing this introduction at home, where I moved in three days ago, enjoying the sound of wild little monkeys running around on the roof (at first, I thought they were thieves.) Huye, where PIASS is located, is a small, quiet and very comfortable place to live compared to the capital, Kigali. Therefore, it is a very good environment to concentrate on my studies. At the university, classes started two days ago and I am studying Nonviolence in Theory and Practice, which I wanted to learn systematically and thoroughly, with about 40 classmates. The classmates come from a great variety of countries. Burundi, South Sudan, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Rwanda. I believe that it is only here at PIASS that I can directly come into contact with and discuss their opinions and viewpoints. I am also planning to explore a lot more about my master’s thesis in the future, not only in the classroom.
I would also like to inform TUFS’ students that a joint online class between PIASS and TUFS is scheduled for the winter term, with Prof. Kazuyuki Sasaki (from Peacebuilding & Development) in charge of PIASS and Prof. Shinichi Takeuchi in charge of TUFS. Why don’t you come and study with the students of the Department of Peace Studies at PIASS? I took the course at TUFS last school year and had the pleasure of meeting PIASS students from the same group in person the other day.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to both professors and the people at both universities for creating and sustaining an environment where I can learn about encounters and multifaceted perspectives that I will cherish for the rest of my life, and above all to the people at Deployment Power Africa who support this study-abroad program from Japan.
The attached photo shows a reunion with Patrick, who was sent from PIASS to TUFS. He is currently taking the same course.
?Department:Peacebuilding & Development
?Courses:The first semester Nonviolence in Theory and Practice /PSYCHOSOCIAL TRAUMA AND HEALING

Message from Ayumi

Muraho! (This is the greeting that means “How are you?” in Kinyarwanda.) I am Ayumi Kato, a third-year student majoring in Korean language and Peacebuilding at the School of international and Area studies.
My exchange program in the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at PIASS will last a full year from October 2023 to September 2024. PIASS offers us various classes and club activities that will allow us to learn the theory and practice of peacebuilding from different perspectives. Specifically, I plan to attend classes such as “Peace education”, “Trauma and psychological healing”, “Reconciliation in Theory and Practice”, “Religion in Conflict Resolution”, and so on.
Rwanda is one of the countries that are experiencing rapid economic growth. I am overwhelmed by the newly built roads, high-rise buildings, medical system and security, as well as seeing the various social problems (air pollution, economic inequality, etc.).
Through this valuable exchange program, I would like to focus on the relationship between peacebuilding and education and explore how supporting basic education can lead to peace in post-conflict societies and how the private sector can contribute to basic education and peace education through business.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff of IAfP Office, Professor Kazuyuki Sasaki, Head of Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at PIASS, the professors at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies for their tremendous support in my study abroad, and all others who have been so generous in their support.


◆ Toko Kuga/ Rina Egawa

University of Ghana [Ghana]
Toko 2023.10.5~2023.12.21
Rina 2023.10.5~2024.8.18

Toko Kuga, a fourth-year student of African major, began her exchange program on Oct 2023, at University of Ghana. Toko will study at the department of humanities for one semester. Here is the messages from Toko.

Message from Toko

Hello, I’m Toko Kuga from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, African course 4th grade.
I study in University of Ghana for one semester from October to December, then I’m planning to go to other African countries.
In University of Ghana, I’m in college of humanities and taking classes about tourism and heritage (archaeology) and about religion in Ghana. Also I belonged to Dance club when I was 3rd grade so I’m curious about African dance and taking “African Dance Performance” class.
University of Ghana is very huge academically and physically. Especially, international students can take classes from various departments so I’m taking classes according to my interests and the purpose to understand Ghana deeply.
The period is short, but I try to see and know Ghana, Ghanaian people and their lives.




◆ Minami Kubota/ Mao Miyamoto

University of Pretoria [South Africa]
Minami 2023.7.17~2024.6
Mao 2023.7~2023.12


◆ Hikaru Miyagawa/ Moto Kitano

University of Zambia [Zambia]
Hikaru 2023.7.9~2023.11.30
Moto 2023.7.10~2024.6.27

Hikaru Miyagawa, a third-year student of French major, and Moto Kitano, a third-year student of Lao major, began their exchange program on July 10th, 2023 at University of Zambia. Hikaru will study at Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and Moto will study at Department of Geography and Environmental Studies for about a year.
We hope that their year will be fruitful through various encounters. Here are the messages from Hikaru and Moto.

Message from?Hikaru

Hello everyone, my name is Hikaru Miyagawa and I am a third year French majoring student at the school of International and Social Studies.
I’m studying abroad at the University of Zambia for a semester from 9 July to the end of November.
Zambia is a very safe country in Africa, especially Lusaka, the capital city where the University of Zambia is located, is well developed and I enjoy living there.
At the University of Zambia, I am studying a course on Intangible Cultural Heritage where I am learning about how intangible cultural heritage is connected to us and what we should do to protect and develop it.
As football is a popular sport in Zambia, after school I enjoy playing football with students from the University of Zambia and Japanese people who have come to Zambia for work or other reasons. There are not many Japanese people living in Zambia, so I naturally get to know Japanese people and hear many interesting stories about their job, which is very stimulating. I decided to study in Zambia because just I wanted to visit Africa. When you hear the word ‘Africa’, you might think that it is a place where students with a clear motive or something they want to do will go, but I think it is good to just try a different place for the time being. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the people who supported me during my study abroad.


Message from Moto

Hello! My name is Moto Kitano, a 3rd-year student at the School of International and area studies.
Now, I am studying at the University of Zambia in the Republic of Zambia from July 2023 as an exchange student.
At the University of Zambia, I belong to the Department of Geography and environmental studies and I’ll study about economic activities from the perspective of geography and environmental management.
The Republic of Zambia, which economically grows rapidly these days, has restrictions on economic development because of the geographic characteristic that this country is landlocked country.
At the same time, We have to think about the development that is kind to the environment that this country has as typified by Victoria Falls. I want to get a new perspective from the students of the University of Zambia who can share the issues above.
And both inside and outside of school, I want to make opportunities as much as possible to share and show Japanese culture and tradition. I feel that there are a lot of Zambian people who are interested in Japan through Anime, manga, language, and so on.
That is why during study abroad, I’ll rethink the characteristic of Japanese culture and share them with the people of Zambia.
Finally, I appreciate all who support me to travel Zambia. Thank you.


◆ Hinano Kurebayashi/ Yuki Fukuoka

Stellenbosch University [South Africa]

Hinano Kurebayashi, a third-year student of African major, and Yuki Fukuoka, a fourth-year student of African major, began their exchange program on July 17, 2023 at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. They will study at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Stellenbosch University and our university entered into a MOU in 2020 and Hinano and Yuki are the memorable first students studying at Stellenbosch University as exchange students. We hope that their year will be fruitful through various encounters while studying at one of the top universities in South Africa. Here are the messages from Hinano.

Message from Hinano

Hello, my name is Hinano Kurebayashi, a third-year student majoring in African Studies at the Faculty of School of International and Area Studies.
Currently, I am on a study abroad program at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. I am studying at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences for one year.
This semester, I am taking courses in Sociology and Anthropology. I hope to broaden my knowledge by living in a country that has overcome apartheid and where people with diverse identities coexist.
Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported me during my study abroad. Thank you very much.
Related article of Hinano




◆ Tabita Takao

Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences [Rwanda]
2023.7. ~2023.9.




◆ Ayu Hirakawa

University of Zambia [Zambia]
2023.2.15 ~2023.6.23

Ayu Hirakawa, a third-year of the School of International area studies African major at TUFS, started her exchange program at the University of Zambia from 15th Feb. 2023. She will stay in the faculty of School of humanities and social science for about half year.

Message from Ayu

Hello, my name is Ayu Hirakawa, a third-year student in the school of international and area studies.
From February 2023, I started an exchange program at University of Zambia. My major is Africa, so I have learned about Africa, but I didn’t know real life of them. In this exchange program, I’d like to see real life in Zambia. In addition, I will learn economics and development studies with students who carry Zambia on their shoulders at university. It is helpful to think about future of Africa. Thorough this experience, I’d like to see and understand deeply about developing countries.
Thank you for all people who support this exchange program.
Related articles of Ayu


◆ Tabita Takao

Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences [Rwanda]
2023.1. ~2023.4.


◆ Hidetora Miyata

Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences [Rwanda]
2022.9.23 ~2023.4.30

Mr. Hidetora Miyata, a student of the French major at TUFS, started an exchange program at the?Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences in Rwanda on September 28. He will stay in the faculty of Development studies for about one year.
Here is a message from Hidetora after his arrival in Rwanda.

Message from Hidetora

Hello. My name is Hidetora Miyata. I am a third year student in the school of international and area studies. I am currently on a study abroad program at a university in Rwanda, a country located in Africa. There, I will learn about peace-building and conflict.
In the faculty I belong, many refugees from other african countries exist. Interacting and studying with those students, I would like to improve my ability to invent realistic and effective way to solve conflicts.
Furthermore, while my stay, I would like to consider what I should do for Africa in the future through internship and interaction with local people.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Inter-University Exchange Project for their support in helping me to make this study abroad possible.
Related Article of Hidetora


◆ Naosuke Tanaka/Yuma Hagino

University of Pretoria [South Africa]
2022.7.18 ~

Naosuke Tanaka, a third-year student in the Hindi Department, and Yuma Hagino, a third-year student in the Africa Department, started an exchange program at the?University of Pretoria, South Africa, on July 25.

They will stay in the Faculty of Humanities for about one year. They plan to study international relations and some of South Africa’s 11 official languages. The University of Pretoria has 23 faculties and is the largest research university in South Africa.?Prof. Gairoonisa Paleker, who was invited by the African Studies Center at TUFS, is also a professor at the university. We hope that their year will be fruitful through lectures, interaction with local people, and activities outside the university.

We have received messages from Naosuke and Yuma, who will start the program today.

Messege from Naosuke

Hello everyone.? I’m Naosuke Tanaka, a third year student in the Faculty of Languages ??and Cultures.? I am currently in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa.? I am studying abroad at the University of Pretoria, which is a partner university of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.? At the University of Pretoria, I plan to study Northern Sotho, Afrikaans, and Zulu, which are not offered at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.? The dormitory has international students from various countries such as France, Germany, Spain and Sweden, so I think it will be the best experience to learn about many cultures.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies for its support in Africa.? We look forward to working with you in the future. Related Article of Naosuke

Message from Yuma

Hello, my name is Yuma Haigno and I belong to the School of International area studies African major 3rd grade. From the July 2022, I come to the University of Pretorira, South Africa as an exchange student from TUFS. I have been anxious and excited to come to Africa where I’ ve been studying from the 1st year. In this University, there are a number of? international students who come from the various countries. They help me a lot in many cases in the daily life. In this program, I will take French, International Relations and Criminology. I want to utilize my knowledges that I learn in TUFS and I will get new, unexperienced learning in here. Furthermore, I want to visit the landscapes in Africa as far as possible to see the dynamics of African directly. My program time is limited, thus I want to use it effectively, I hope that this program will be the valuable resource in my future.
Finally, I want to appreciate for those who help my study program.?Related Articles of Yuma


◆ Ilyas Hirose

University of Zambia [Zambia]
2022.7.8 ~2022.12.23

Ilyas Hirose, a third-year French language student at the TUFS, started his exchange program at the?University of Zambia?from 11th July 2022.
Ilyas will study at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies in the Faculty of Natural Science for about six months. The department includes?Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye, who was invited by African Studies Center at TUFS and we are sure that it will be a stimulating 6 months of learning for the students.

Here is the message from Ilyas who has just arrived in Zambia.

Message from Ilyas

Hello everyone, my name is Ilyas Hirose, a third-year student in the school of international and area studies.
I am currently on a study abroad program in Zambia, a country located in southern Africa. I am assigned to the Department of Geography and Environment Studies at
the University of Zambia, our partner university, where I will study environmental planning and natural resource management. As environmental issues are being discussed as global issues, I hope to gain a more flexible perspective by studying cross-border issues in an African country far away from Japan, which is experiencing remarkable economic growth. Also, I did not know much about Zambia before coming here, but I would like to learn a lot about the culture and history of this country as well as my own major through my study abroad program.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Inter-University Exchange Project for their support in helping me to make this study abroad possible.
Related Articles of Ilyas


◆ Rei Fukushima

Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences [Rwanda]
2021.9.4 ~ 2022.8.28


Mr. Rei Fukushima, a 3rd year student of the Mongolian Language Department, started his exchange program at the?Protestant Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (PIASS)?in Rwanda on October 5th.

He will stay at PIASS for about one year.

On his arrival, Henri and Thembo, who were studying at our university until the end of July this year, came to welcome him (check this article).

We hope that the personal connection between PIASS and TUFS will continue to develop and strengthen.
Related Articles of Rei



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