Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Recruitment] Experience Hiroshima Online (22nd March)


We will conduct the “Experience Hiroshima Online” on 22nd March.

We gather participants from the project partner universities, Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (Rwanda), University of Ghana, University of Zambia, University of Pretoria, Stellenbosch University and TUFS. The students will learn together and exchange among the students through group works.

If you are interested in Hiroshima or Japan, studying in Japan, studying at TUFS please join this event!
We held the same tour last year with the cooperation with NPO PCV.
It was well received by the students because they were able to communicate directly with an atomic bomb survivor and that students from different backgrounds were able to exchange opinions frankly.
 report of last year’s tour:/iafp/en/20210305hiroshima-online/

Looking forward to seeing you online!

Experience Hiroshima Online

Date: Tue. 22nd Mar. 2022, 16:00~19:00 JST
Language: English
Capacity: 4 or 5 students from each universities
Content: Online Hiroshima experience, atomic bomb survivor testimony, dialogue & reflection led by youth-leaders in Hiroshima
How to apply: Please fill out the application form and send it to us. Sun.13th Mar. 2022)

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