Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] TUFS students has started the exchange program at Univ. of Pretoria

Naosuke Tanaka, a third-year student in the Hindi Department, and Yuma Hagino, a third-year student in the Africa Department, started an exchange program at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, on July 25.

They will stay in the Faculty of Humanities for about one year. They plan to study international relations and some of South Africa’s 11 official languages. The University of Pretoria has 23 faculties and is the largest research university in South Africa. Prof. Gairoonisa Paleker, who was invited by the African Studies Center at TUFS, is also a professor at the university. We hope that their year will be fruitful through lectures, interaction with local people, and activities outside the university.

We have received messages from Naosuke and Yuma, who will start the program today.

Messege from Naosuke

Hello everyone.? I’m Naosuke Tanaka, a third year student in the Faculty of Languages ??and Cultures.? I am currently in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa.? I am studying abroad at the University of Pretoria, which is a partner university of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.? At the University of Pretoria, I plan to study Northern Sotho, Afrikaans, and Zulu, which are not offered at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.? The dormitory has international students from various countries such as France, Germany, Spain and Sweden, so I think it will be the best experience to learn about many cultures.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies for its support in Africa.? We look forward to working with you in the future. Naosuke’s related articles

Message from Yuma

Hello, my name is Yuma Haigno and I belong to the School of International area studies African major 3rd grade. From the July 2022, I come to the University of Pretorira, South Africa as an exchange student from TUFS. I have been anxious and excited to come to Africa where I’ ve been studying from the 1st year. In this University, there are a number of? international students who come from the various countries. They help me a lot in many cases in the daily life. In this program, I will take French, International Relations and Criminology. I want to utilize my knowledges that I learn in TUFS and I will get new, unexperienced learning in here. Furthermore, I want to visit the landscapes in Africa as far as possible to see the dynamics of African directly. My program time is limited, thus I want to use it effectively, I hope that this program will be the valuable resource in my future. Finally, I want to appreciate for those who help my study program. Yuma’s related articles

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