Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] IAfP Online Program for two PIASS students are starting

IAfP Online Program for Emmanuel Wepngong Jato?and Kani Bahoya Paul from Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences is starting today!!

Jato and Paul will participate the Japanese class (3 days), Hiroshima Online Tour and Sake Seminar.

Since they could not come to Japan before the beginning of the program because of the policy on border control measures, they start the program online. We try our best to get them come to Japan as soon as possible with the cooperation of the Student Exchange Division.

Here are the messages from Jato and Paul.

Message from Jato

I am Emmanuel Wepngong JATO a Cameroonian by birth pursuing Peace and Conflict Studies at the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Science (PIASS) in Rwanda. I was selected for the exchange program at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Spring program 2022. My interest is to learn about the peacebuilding process of Japan from the violence and trauma due to WWII to the current peaceful state and economic development of the country. Also, to have interactions with students and professors from all over the world present at the campus which will increase my communication skills, take part in different clubs for learning and diversity of courses delivered at TUFS, and visit historical sites. I am keen on new intercultural knowledge such as Japanese language, religion, rituals and practices.

I would express my sincere gratitude to the Innovative Africa Educational Networking Program (IAfP) and Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and everyone who will be taking care of my expense of airfare and my stay in Japan. Moreover, I deeply appreciate Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and African Studies Center for giving me this great opportunity to be part of a learning program.


Message from Paul

I am Kani Bahoya Paul, a Congolese student majoring in peace and conflict studies at Protestant institute of art and Social sciences (PIASS) in Rwanda. I am a filmmaker, painter, and graphic designer. By connecting my academic interest, my skills, and social life; I hope to learn from my fellow colleagues, lecturers as well as the host community how Japanese culture operates and what Japanese foreign policy toward Africa is like. Most importantly, I want to get involved at Tokyo University of Foreign Study (TUFS) by joining clubs related to my skills of interest. As I am fascinated with the development process of Japan and its historical challenges; I wish to learn more on this aspect by visiting museums and other historical areas.

A dream is still a dream until someone wakes you up to experience it; I express my profound gratitude to the Innovative Africa Educational Networking Program (IAFP), Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) for their willingness to make this happen by their support that will certainly wake me up and experience this. I am quite grateful for the crowdfunding effort, which will cover my living expenses in Japan. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone of the project’s supporters.



They are also posted on the website of ASC, on the “Profile of Students” page. It will be updated frequently so please check it out!!

Articles of the ASC’s website
“Our exchange students from Rwanda are coming soon
“Profile of Students”
Message from Jato, Message from Paul


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