[Report] Recteur of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar Visited TUFS
On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, Dr. Mbaye Ahmadou Aly, Recteur of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal), a partner university of TUFS, paid a courtesy visit to President Kayoko Hayashi. President Hayashi, Vice President Nobuo Haruna, Professor Shinichi Takeuchi, Professor Chikako Nakayama, and Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Chihiro Kumashiro also attended the meeting and exchanged opinions on the introduction of both universities and future exchange.

In the afternoon, a round-table meeting with universities and institutions in the Kanto region was held, attended by Assistant Professor Kae Amo of Kyoto University, Vice President Mark Williams of International Christian University, Vice President Masaru Osanai of Soka University, Lecturer Eiri Yamazaki of Sophia University, Manager Cannelle Marican of Ashinaga Scholarship Foundation, and Professor Takeuchi and Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Kumashiro of TUFS. Rector Mbaye gave an introduction of his university and the participating universities and institutions, and the exchange of ideas was promoted through discussions.