東京外国語大学 大学の世界展開力強化事業アフリカにおけるSDGsに向けた高度イノベーション人材育成のための国際連携教育プログラム(IAfP)

【留学レポート】PIASS受入 パトリックさん①



DAY 1 IN JAPAN: Photo with Exchange students and Prof. Chihiro KUMASHIRO

September 27, I and my colleagues both from Rwanda at the Protestant Institute of arts and Social Sciences arrived in Japan safely and Mr. Paul with Mr. Jato who have been in Japan since April this year kindly received us from the airport and came together with two students from University of Zambia. It was nice to meet again Rei San who studied in Rwanda as exchange student from Tufs and Professor Chihiro with Nishiwaki both from The Inter-University exchange project the same day at Tokyo University of Foreign studies.

This Summary was named “The Life in Home” because of the way how since my arrival up to date, I felt that I am staying home than abroad considering the kind daily support from different people during my stay in Japan.



After our arrival in Japan, I had a chance with my colleagues to meet Professor Takeuchi Shinichi and received parental advice for our study program in Japan both in academic and non-academic life. On this day, Professor Chihiro directed us to the ASC-office and met supportive staff of the center with the visiting Researcher and professor from Africa to Tufs who is with us in the above picture. Big thanks to the Africa studies center of Tokyo university for foreign studies and Inter-University exchange project Africa division (TUFs) for warm welcome in TUFS.

Welcoming Party: PIASS Community in JAPAN

Former Exchange student in Rwanda Kenta-San with Shukulu who studied in PIASS, Paul and Jato, organized a nice gathering for the PIASS Community in Japan. It was an interesting party and networking platform based on shared bonds from PIASS. Special thanks to this program which has contributed to the growing PIASS community at tufs.


Photo: STUDY TRIP IN HIROSHIMA- The Visit to Hiroshima Memorial Park

As I begun my studies at Tokyo university of foreign, I was invited to participate in the Hiroshima-ICAN academy on nuclear weapons and Global security where I learnt in deep the history of Japan and effects of nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Past. I met people from different backgrounds and gained broad knowledge of perspectives on global issues and in particular the side effects of Nuclear weapons.

Photo: Visiting Chugoku Shimbun in Hiroshima

In this program, we had an opportunity to learn from the angle of news paper house which have been and still working on the awareness creation and Research about effects of nuclear weapons and the broad steps and strategies there making for disarmament.

OKONOMIYAKI REELS: Welcome Dinner at ANT- organization in Hiroshima City

This evening of November 11th, 2022 visited one organization called ANT (Asian Network of Trust) to learn about young people’s initiates for peace in Japan and abroad where the intervention of ANT goes broad to nurture peace in Japan and overseas. They make charity activities to support children in vulnerable communities overseas. This day, after a long use of the word “Okonomiyaki” finally had its test and really enjoyed.

KIMONO DRESSING: Photo: I with my Colleagues; AMISSI & INEZA

I, with my colleagues Joined JAPANESE Cultural experience program at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and the picture above shows us in Kimono-cultural based dress in Japan. It was good moment since I only saw this dress in movies, but this time round it was me physically other than being it film.

Tokyo led International Friendship Run 2022

I participated in the friendship run organised by the Tokyo Friendship Marathon where the run was crossing the Tokyo Bay in Daiba city. It was an amazing opportunity where I had chance to meet the group from the Embassy of Rwanda in Japan and other people from around the world.

I feel like my experiences in Japan can repeat daily to learn more, and grow. My hope now is that more good memories are coming considering the outstanding engagements that the study program at TUFS offered in such short time and the staying period has been and still the source of pride in Japan.

I am always grateful to all people and organisations who made this possible and daily making efforts to look after me in one way or the other. Special thanks to the Africa study center and the Inter-University africa divison of TUFS for fruitful coordination and learning programs.


Life in new home
How is like starting New year in Japan

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